Sponsors & Donors – How To
Sparking Charleston & the World.
(Please read our PUPOSE, MISSION, and HOW WE ENGAGE)
Sponsors & Donors – Â Names & Levels
Sponsors & Donors – How To feel the impact: “DoTheCharleston.com Tours”
Sponsors & Donors – How To make an impact – see below:

HiArtFilms “Passion For Peace†Music Video & International Campaign. Sponsor, Donate, watch, share, & thanks!
Holiday Gift Tributes, Green Business Sponsorships, Individual Donations, In-Kind Support, or Ride Our Coat-tails! Either way, just join us, add your spark to DoTheCharleston.com, and we will spark & shine farther & wider!
Join us on the bandwagon and MAKE AN IMPACT,  NOW! Our MISSION is “To Broaden Horizons, Empower, Enrich, & Sustain Charleston & the World!”
Join us to spearhead & collaborate with Visionaries, Trendsetters, Philanthropists, Angel Investors, and anonymous heroes!
Join us as we engage, inspire, motivate to act, sign-up, follow-up, reinforce, gain momentum, and break through barriers - the snowball is building!
Join us as we gain new converts and strengthen repeat supporters. Empower others and empower yourselves!
Join us as we create & distribute Hi Art Films’ Documentary Shorts & Edutaining Music Videos (Movies with a Message) – – be an Executive Producer!
Join us as we promote and support many Visionary Trendsetters, Unsung Heroes, Green Business, and Non-Profits for: Peace, Clean Air/Land/Water, Schools, Arts, Cultural Edutainment, Green Jobs & Products, Urban Downsizing, Healthy Local Food/Gardens, Healthy Lifestyles, Self-Defense, Fashion for a Cause, Parties for a Purpose, Galas, FUNdraisers, Auctions, Tours, etc.
Join us as we  promote, recognize, & honor all walks of life – Sponsor or Donate in the name of your patrons, green business, non-profits, friends, family, and/or heroes-to-be!
Join us as we Plan a Tribute, Memorial, or Legacy Promotion (or use your Inheritance, Will, or Estate Plan).
“People that care, they make a difference...”
(Sponsorships & Donations to DoTheCharleston.com are not tax-deductible, Contact us first for tax-deductible strategies).
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