Charleston International Film Festival

5 Nov

2015 Charleston International Film Festival (CIFF): (1) scroll below, (2) check back for updates, (3) Like, Share, & Comment on Facebook, (4) scroll to bottom for Flash Backs to 2014 & 2013 CIFF.

Other Events Nov 2015 <– Galas, FUNdraisers, Dance, Theatre, French Films, more. (Also TOURs <– private, premium, personalized, guaranteed…so you’ll come back…we give back & pay it forward…preservation…so your kids’ kids come back).

CIFF cover– Nov 4 -8, The 8th Annual 2015 Charleston International Film Festival (CIFF): Follow the Updates here –> follow the leaders, the jet set, the movie set, VIPs, actors, filmmakers, writers, executive producers, the angels, the audience…all of us film lovers. We’ll show you how to love it, how to do it, to jump on it, to make it. Make the connection, make the film, share the story, and share the dream! Bring a friend, a lover, and/or meet new film lovers at the interactive workshops, Q&A sessions, VIP lounges, After-Parties, Awards Finale. Come watch CIFF films at the Charleston Music Hall, sit in your seats, quiet on the set…then action, and dance for joy. Do it, DoTheCharleston <– Like it, Comment, and Share it –> for HiArtFilms, for the 2015 CIFF, for the world, for ever!

CIFF Premier– Nov 4 Wed: Red Carpet Opening Night, Movie Blocks, VIP Lounge.


– Nov 5 Thur: Movie Blocks, Workshops, VIP Lounge (After-Party at Victor Social Club)


– Nov 6 Fri: Movie Blocks, Workshops, VIP Lounge (After-Party at Victor Social Club).

– 5pm: PREVIEW: “Before The Bomb,” come to screening at 5pm, starring Sterling Jerins (she’s also filmed with Owen Wilson, Pierce Brosnan, Michael Douglas, Diane Keaton, Rob Reiner, Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman…oye!). See Trailer below. Also see Sterling’s Personal Preview Q&A (interview copyright 2015 HiArtFilms and about CIFF’s upcoming screening of “Before The Bomb.” These were the questions:

1. Tell us about your character Elsa.
2. Is this a children’s film?
3. When/where did you film (any behind the scenes trivia)?
4. If you could work in films, besides acting, what would you do?
5. How do you like Charleston?
6. What was director/writer Tannaz Hazemi like?

CIFF popcorn– 9pm: “One Second Changes Everything” PREVIEW Interview at CIFF VIP Lounge with NY actress/producer Rüya Koman: “It’s weird (ha ha) how powerful this improv film became. It’s serious domestic violence (inspired by Nicholas Kristof piece in NY Times), so you’ll see what I mean. Our acting class came together and shot the film in real time style. It was a spontaneous, supportive, encouraging, and creative shoot. Ha ha, most productions are not loose, but we wanted to improv on purpose. We have several other films at Film Festivals around the world, but Charleston and the CIFF International Film Fest is the special one we’re excited to come to, and we’ve heard so much about Charleston! Join us, have some popcorn!”


– Nov 7 Sat: Movie Blocks, Workshops, VIP Lounge (After-Party at Victor Social Club).

– 5pm: One of the Feature Films in the 5pm Block, “Girl On The Edge,” see trailer:

YouTube Preview Image

- 7pm: FREE! Indie Grants Films and Q&A about works-in-progress joint program between Charleston’s Trident Technical College and the South Carolina Film Commission

LJ filmfest2011a ad 8X11 bleed.indd– 8pm: “Luscious Lips Inspires Ladybug Tips” PREVIEW: This eye opening short film was inspired by actress (and recovered scientist), Jane May Graves, and her Vegan Lip Balm that connects the dots, sustaining nature, and sustaining our health. Their motto:“It all starts with … One Choice, One Step, One Change.” <– Let’s do it, come see the film with their Charleston Producer, Drea Bauer.

– After Party at Victor Social Club:

Filmmakers and fans of "Seth" and "The Parker Tribe"

After Party at Victor Social Club: filmmakers and fans of “Seth” and “The Parker Tribe”


ciff cover 2– Nov 8 Sun: Movie Blocks, VIP Lounge, and Awards Finale! Join CIFF’s VIP patrons & filmmakers at the Awards Gala; walk the elegant red carpet at the cocktail reception: wine & dine & dance to live music…and DoTheCharleston…we call it HiArtCuisine with catering by Tristan Events. Also enjoy a comedy show by Jeremy Mclellan and a ceremony to honor 40yr Mayor of Charleston, Joe Riley. See you tonite,  tell us who you picked to win (and also on Facebook). ciff award 2We voted 5 stars for “Before The Bomb, Texting: A Love Story, and Seth.” We voted 2nd place for “Shevenge, The Detectives of Noir Town, Shitbird, The Parker Tribe, The Answers, Fixed, Breath Bitch!, Pardon The Intrusion, En Las Nubes (In The Clouds).” Special Mention goes to “Luscious Lips Inspires Ladybug Tips, and One Second Changes Everything.” We overheard 2 theatre experts say “Wildlike” was really great.

– Annnnnnnnnd the “Juried” Winners are…wait for it… Best Actress, Sterling Jerins, “Before The Bomb.” Ha! Best Film, “Pardon The Intrusion.” Best Short Film, “The Parker Tribe.” Mazol Tov!!




2014 Charleston International Film Festival – Flash Back 2014 <– Full REVIEW (Excerpt: “… Documentary Filmmakers…Social Entrepreneurs…a Grand scale…flickering beams of fire…dark shadows…damsels in distress hung suspended in the light of the moon…best part of CIFF so far? The Q&A…”nailing the design…the collaboration was bonding.” …textured…crisp yet soothing color spectrums. Lighting hues, camera swoops …a 5-star lush story-book musical peek (no words)…apropos…cute cute yoga…back-woods daddy…the epitome of out of the box…the international language…See the film? $10. See the whole block (included in the $10). Film steals the genre? More than 5-star…priceless…”


2013 Charleston International Film Festival – Flash Back 2013 <– Full REVIEW (Excerpt: “Around the world in 5 days…magnetic…illuminating …never dream of – so foreign…penetrating…blow away any preconception…out of sight…hovering…a parallel universe…transported you…surreal…unbelievable…where there’s a world there’s a way…on top of the world…with cameo video salutes from Steven Spielberg and Francis Ford Coppola…lofty silver screen…down to earth…Q&A, workshops, after-parties, awards, and even on our sailboat. Holy Producers, Bat Man…Charleston is on a world stage…the rage around the world for years, and the world never stops turning…CIFF offers more than just Film…the underworld…shined like a star…”


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