Tag Archives: Charleston

Charleston International Film Festival

5 Nov

2015 Charleston International Film Festival (CIFF): (1) scroll below, (2) check back for updates, (3) Like, Share, & Comment on Facebook, (4) scroll to bottom for Flash Backs to 2014 & 2013 CIFF.

Other Events Nov 2015 <– Galas, FUNdraisers, Dance, Theatre, French Films, more. (Also DoTheCharleston.com TOURs <– private, premium, personalized, guaranteed…so you’ll come back…we give back & pay it forward…preservation…so your kids’ kids come back).

CIFF cover– Nov 4 -8, The 8th Annual 2015 Charleston International Film Festival (CIFF): Follow the Updates here –> follow the leaders, the jet set, the movie set, VIPs, actors, filmmakers, writers, executive producers, the angels, the audience…all of us film lovers. We’ll show you how to love it, how to do it, to jump on it, to make it. Make the connection, make the film, share the story, and share the dream! Bring a friend, a lover, and/or meet new film lovers at the interactive workshops, Q&A sessions, VIP lounges, After-Parties, Awards Finale. Come watch CIFF films at the Charleston Music Hall, sit in your seats, quiet on the set…then action, and dance for joy. Do it, DoTheCharleston <– Like it, Comment, and Share it –> for HiArtFilms, for the 2015 CIFF, for the world, for ever!

CIFF Premier– Nov 4 Wed: Red Carpet Opening Night, Movie Blocks, VIP Lounge.


– Nov 5 Thur: Movie Blocks, Workshops, VIP Lounge (After-Party at Victor Social Club)


– Nov 6 Fri: Movie Blocks, Workshops, VIP Lounge (After-Party at Victor Social Club).

– 5pm: PREVIEW: “Before The Bomb,” come to screening at 5pm, starring Sterling Jerins (she’s also filmed with Owen Wilson, Pierce Brosnan, Michael Douglas, Diane Keaton, Rob Reiner, Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman…oye!). See Trailer below. Also see Sterling’s Personal Preview Q&A (interview copyright 2015 HiArtFilms and DoTheCharleston.com) about CIFF’s upcoming screening of “Before The Bomb.” These were the questions:

1. Tell us about your character Elsa.
2. Is this a children’s film?
3. When/where did you film (any behind the scenes trivia)?
4. If you could work in films, besides acting, what would you do?
5. How do you like Charleston?
6. What was director/writer Tannaz Hazemi like?


CIFF popcorn– 9pm: “One Second Changes Everything” PREVIEW Interview at CIFF VIP Lounge with NY actress/producer Rüya Koman: “It’s weird (ha ha) how powerful this improv film became. It’s serious domestic violence (inspired by Nicholas Kristof piece in NY Times), so you’ll see what I mean. Our acting class came together and shot the film in real time style. It was a spontaneous, supportive, encouraging, and creative shoot. Ha ha, most productions are not loose, but we wanted to improv on purpose. We have several other films at Film Festivals around the world, but Charleston and the CIFF International Film Fest is the special one we’re excited to come to, and we’ve heard so much about Charleston! Join us, have some popcorn!”


– Nov 7 Sat: Movie Blocks, Workshops, VIP Lounge (After-Party at Victor Social Club).

– 5pm: One of the Feature Films in the 5pm Block, “Girl On The Edge,” see trailer:

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- 7pm: FREE! Indie Grants Films and Q&A about works-in-progress joint program between Charleston’s Trident Technical College and the South Carolina Film Commission

LJ filmfest2011a ad 8X11 bleed.indd– 8pm: “Luscious Lips Inspires Ladybug Tips” PREVIEW: This eye opening short film was inspired by actress (and recovered scientist), Jane May Graves, and her Vegan Lip Balm that connects the dots, sustaining nature, and sustaining our health. Their motto:“It all starts with … One Choice, One Step, One Change.” <– Let’s do it, come see the film with their Charleston Producer, Drea Bauer.

– After Party at Victor Social Club:

Filmmakers and fans of "Seth" and "The Parker Tribe"

After Party at Victor Social Club: filmmakers and fans of “Seth” and “The Parker Tribe”


ciff cover 2– Nov 8 Sun: Movie Blocks, VIP Lounge, and Awards Finale! Join CIFF’s VIP patrons & filmmakers at the Awards Gala; walk the elegant red carpet at the cocktail reception: wine & dine & dance to live music…and DoTheCharleston…we call it HiArtCuisine with catering by Tristan Events. Also enjoy a comedy show by Jeremy Mclellan and a ceremony to honor 40yr Mayor of Charleston, Joe Riley. See you tonite,  tell us who you picked to win (and also on Facebook). ciff award 2We voted 5 stars for “Before The Bomb, Texting: A Love Story, and Seth.” We voted 2nd place for “Shevenge, The Detectives of Noir Town, Shitbird, The Parker Tribe, The Answers, Fixed, Breath Bitch!, Pardon The Intrusion, En Las Nubes (In The Clouds).” Special Mention goes to “Luscious Lips Inspires Ladybug Tips, and One Second Changes Everything.” We overheard 2 theatre experts say “Wildlike” was really great.

– Annnnnnnnnd the “Juried” Winners are…wait for it… Best Actress, Sterling Jerins, “Before The Bomb.” Ha! Best Film, “Pardon The Intrusion.” Best Short Film, “The Parker Tribe.” Mazol Tov!!




2014 Charleston International Film Festival – Flash Back 2014 <– Full REVIEW (Excerpt: “… Documentary Filmmakers…Social Entrepreneurs…a Grand scale…flickering beams of fire…dark shadows…damsels in distress hung suspended in the light of the moon…best part of CIFF so far? The Q&A…”nailing the design…the collaboration was bonding.” …textured…crisp yet soothing color spectrums. Lighting hues, camera swoops …a 5-star lush story-book musical peek (no words)…apropos…cute cute yoga…back-woods daddy…the epitome of out of the box…the international language…See the film? $10. See the whole block (included in the $10). Film steals the genre? More than 5-star…priceless…”


2013 Charleston International Film Festival – Flash Back 2013 <– Full REVIEW (Excerpt: “Around the world in 5 days…magnetic…illuminating …never dream of – so foreign…penetrating…blow away any preconception…out of sight…hovering…a parallel universe…transported you…surreal…unbelievable…where there’s a world there’s a way…on top of the world…with cameo video salutes from Steven Spielberg and Francis Ford Coppola…lofty silver screen…down to earth…Q&A, workshops, after-parties, awards, and even on our sailboat. Holy Producers, Bat Man…Charleston is on a world stage…the rage around the world for years, and the world never stops turning…CIFF offers more than just Film…the underworld…shined like a star…”


ARTicles – Jan & Feb

6 Feb

– ARTicles – Jan – Feb: Scroll below for special Charleston things to do, places to go, and people to see that are sparking Charleston and the World!

– Weekly/Daily Events (ongoing, including Swing Jazz & Blues Dancing Wed, Fri, Sun, & more).

Screen Shot 2014-01-17 at 10.56.29 AMDoTheCharleston.com TOURs: private, premium, personalized, satisfaction guaranteed…so you’ll come back (and we give back to preservation…so your kids and kids’ kids will come back).


– Jan 12 – June 14 exhibition, “Fashion Flashback, 1920s-1960s: Five Decades of Style that Changed America” at The Charleston Museum. The history of women and men’s fashions starting when they were doin’ The Charleston in the Roaring 20s; thru the swinging 30s, 40s and 50s; and into the hippie 60s. Screen Shot 2015-02-06 at 9.30.37 PM


Screen Shot 2015-02-06 at 7.33.31 PM– Jan 15 – Feb 8 at 8pm (Sun 3pm), “Don’t Cry For Me, Margaret Mitchell,” by Charlotte writers V. Cate and Duke Ernsberger. REVIEW: Run (don’t fumble or pass) downtown to Threshold Theatre to score the last tickets. This live play acts out the real life of writers & producers. It’s a business, but it’s nuts, it’s bananas, and it’s the game of life. They pop pills, pop blood vessels, dare to dunk donuts, then fall asleep on the job. The fast action dives into the huddle of the play-by-play, minute-by-minute, last minute, come-from-behind, behind the screens, writing of the screenplay for the sliver screen’s “Gone With The Wind.” Margaret Mitchell’s book is played-out by the formidable actor Brendan Kelly along side fun actors Jay Danner, Nat Jones, and Sarah Coe. While portraying Scarlett and Mammy, the teammates go in the trenches, block & tackle, tie up, cut loose, and make up plays off-the-cuff. Cufflink and costume designer, Kristen Bushey, shows-off her jazzy flair. Mike Kordek brings in his multitalented leadership and set design. Versatile veteran, Robin Burke, directs and coaches another winner to standing ovations. Screen Shot 2015-02-06 at 7.03.46 PM
Jan 23 – Feb14 at 7:30pm (some 3pm), Pure Theatre’s “Glengarry Glen Ross,” the Pulitzer Prize drama by David Mamet, is about a real estate sales force scamming for sales leads to close the deal, to win the Cadillac, to keep their jobs, and to save their lives. REVIEW: This is must-see acting for the purest of enthusiasts. You’ll walk away wanting more from Pure’s core ensemble and director Erin Wilson. It’s hard to steal the show with so many star performances – even the actors with fewer lines focused and filled out the frame with their powerful posturing. Pure Theatre gets you close-up to the penetrating actors with their deep, cutting, razor sharp dialogue that slashes back and forth. Fighting to win and desperate to survive at all costs, the scary acting is so true, it makes the story line too real-world. I was squirming, “get me out of this kind of world,” and then, “get me more of this kind of theatre.” (Note, join us below at Pure Theatre’s FUNdraiser on Feb 8, “The Pure Experience”) glengarry-glen-ross-pure-theatre-1080
– Jan 29 from 6 – 9:30pm, “Dare to Dream” Gala Dance Scholarship Benefit for the Community Education Foundation of the Charleston Dance Institute. Dinner, Silent Auction, plus “a Bob Fosse inspired Charleston Broadway Dance Ensemble performance of “Gotta Dance!” At the Woolfe Street Playhouse. Screen Shot 2015-02-06 at 7.28.01 PM


– Jan 31…ongoing, Photo Doggies for Anthony. <– Cute & sweet, go see or post your cute doggie pics/videos to cheer up Anthony and millions of others. YouTube Preview Image


– Feb 6 at 7pm inside Memminger Auditorium: Spoleto Festival USA’s Preseason Gala Fundraiser. “A Night at the Charleston Club,” is a Roaring-20s pARTy for a purpose. Join us and Do The Charleston with the Joe Clarke Big Band, wine and dine, and bid on silent and live auction items. Also, the online auction runs thru Feb. 9.

"Opening Night Fête"


– Feb 7 from 10am – 3pm, Charleston STEM Festival is a high profile engaging celebration of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) for K-12 students and their families, teachers, and leaders. It will “feature ~50 exhibitors who will provide hands-on activities, live performances, interactive demonstrations, and entertainment.” It is outdoors at Brittlebank Park downtown. Remember to go ask for more STEAM (adding A for Arts). STEAM powers more creativity! Screen Shot 2015-02-06 at 11.15.23 PM

Screen Shot 2015-02-06 at 10.09.47 PM– Feb 8
from 1- 5pm, Second Sundays on King Street (south of Calhoun Street down to Queen St – the cars are blocked off). Free promenade for pedestrians: it’s safe to walk and enjoy fresh air; meet & greet locals and visitors; hear street musicians; shop; wine & dine al fresco at the pop-up sidewalk cafés, and more!

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from 3 – 6:30pm,  “The Pure Experience” FUNdraisier pARTy for a purpose for Pure Theatre on King St. Wine & Dine with catering from Oak, Indaco, O-ku, and special chef, Macintosh’s Jeremiah Bacon (James Beard nominee). See David Boatwright’s band Minimum Wage; a cabaret show by Laura Ball & Friends; a short play by PURE’s Playwright in Residence, David Lee Nelson; and join in Scene Karaoke with PURE’ actors. The Live Auction includes a role in PURE’s play “Marie Antoinette.” (Note above, our REVIEW of their play “Glengarry Glen Ross” running thru Feb 14)


– Feb 13 – 15, The Southeastern Wildlife Exposition (SEWE) is the largest pARTy for a purpose of it’s kind in the US. About 40,000 nature loving pARTy animals will come to Charleston to be immersed in nature & wildlife preservation, fine art, conservation education, sporting demos, wining & dining, and more. Come see 500 international artists, exhibitors, and wildlife professionals; enjoy the edutainment; and learn more to protect nature for us, our kids, and our kids’ kids.

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– Feb 14  Happy Valentines Day! Kiss someone you love!Screen Shot 2015-02-24 at 6.05.49 PM

– Feb 17  Happy Mardi Gras! The Voodoo Tiki Bar always has great food, bands, and dancing (although expect New Orleans jazz instead of Gino Castillo’s Cuban Jazz Band in our HiArtFilms below). YouTube Preview Image


– Feb 19 – 28 at 7:30pm, “Thrill Me: The Leopold and Loeb Story” by What If Productions is a musical, but expect the unexpected at Threshold Theatre. Directed by Charleston’s groundbreaking Kyle Barnette (search our great past REVIEWs!), this famous true story is about “thrill killers” in the Roaring 20s who dare to “lure a young boy to his death just to prove they could get away with it…But was it so careless?” Drama Desk nominee for Best Musical and Best Score. REVIEW: Wow, what an ending, what a set up! The stage was set with cold shades of gray: cold lovers, murdering in cold blood, with cold coal eyes, cold ghostly skin, and cold comic relief. The eeriness was chilling while subversively warm, too. Warm vocal chords and warm piano chords floated the memories of the manipulated melodrama. The musical had a melancholy melody that never missed a beat (praise to pianist, Kevin Thorn). The sultry singers fueled the flames of fire & brimstone and singed the passions of desire & deceit. The dirty devils (starring Brian Porter & Brannen Daugherty) raised hell as hot shots wielding cold crow bars and cold prison bars. (The bar was raised high again by challenging director Kyle Barnette and the crew of What If? Productions). The Nietzche supermen flew high with their hot heads in the clouds and their cold noses in the air, then crashed & burned through the dust & death down in a drainpipe ditch. As it dripped back in time, behind the crime scenes, behind the headlines, and behind the veils of the master minds…the cold love story unfolded…what a hot ending. Get Tickets (hurry, limited discount code “CHICAGO”)


ARTicles – Nov

3 Nov

– ARTicles – Nov: Can’t miss things to do, people to see, places to go… Sparking Charleston and the World (check back for more updates & events)

Weekly/Daily Events (including Swing Jazz & Blues Dancing Wed, Sat, Sun, & more.

Screen Shot 2014-01-17 at 10.56.29 AM DoTheCharleston.com TOURs: private, premium, personalized, satisfaction guaranteed…so you’ll come back (and we give back to preservation…so your kids and kids’ kids will come back).


Screen Shot 2014-11-08 at 6.49.17 PM– Nov 2 at 7:30pm “The Young Playwrights’ Showcase” at Threshold Repertory Theatre. Five short play readings are directed and acted by theatre pros, along with a Q&A with the five teenage student playwrights. REVIEW: Thanks to salivating audiences and theatre pros, including Tommy George, an exciting melting pot of new talent has been cooking up a storm. We got a taste of what the future holds, and the future is now. The concise readings stood on their own as an entertaining smorgasbord. Kate Tooley was impressive switching roles in dramas, then a comedy, back down deep in a drama, and finally to a way-out outrageous comedy. The bonus was the behind the scenes Q&A. The playwrights (Rebekah Cohen, Julia Walpole, Hannah Kelly, Mariah Baideme, and Eden Teichman) took singular turns on stage, and the feedback bubbled up from all sides of the theatre. It’s inspiring theater, it’s theatre “in-progress,” and you can be part of the progress – join the dinner fundraiser, Nov 12!


– Nov 6-9, The 5th Annual Holy City Blues XCHG Dance Festival. Four days -and- nights of the coolest HiArt blues dancing that takes you back to Charleston’s golden age of jazz & blues. Nine Dances with Live Bands & DJs from around the US (and great local ones, too). This throwback to nostalgic blues brings great dancers from across the region, the east coast, some nationally, and of course our great Charleston dancers. The venues rotate each dance around historic downtown Charleston. Join the Facebook Events and invite your coolest friends!

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– Nov 6 -9, The Nuovo Cinema Italiano Film Festival “…casting a critical eye on Italian culture……giving filmmakers an opportunity to shine and audiences a chance to see past the familiar sites and into the heart of Italy.” Films have English subtitles. Showing at the grand College of Charleston Sottile Theatre, 44 George St (free for CofC students. General Tickets $6/film). Other events are scheduled, including meeting the filmmakers, too!

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Screen Shot 2014-11-08 at 5.59.59 PM– Nov 6-9, and 13- 16 at 8pm (Sundays’ 3pm), “The Sunset Years” at Threshold Repertory Theatre. This comedy is about a couple who want to retire to the sunny south, while a realtor tries to sell their NY house full of adult children who won’t leave the nest. The show’s been extended! Tickets $15 -25.


– Nov 12, 6-9:30pm, Threshold Repertory Theatre Progressive Dinner Fundraiser for Season 5. Cocktails, Heavy Hors d’oeuvres, Auction items (island getaways!), Theatre Skits, and Live Music. At 6pm, start at a private home, 30 Society St. At 7;15, on to Threshold at 84 ½ Society. From 8-9:30 is the finale next door at Muse Restaurant. Search “Threshold” here at DoTheCharleston.com to read Reviews of great plays they produce – for Charleston & the world to relish. Bring your friends & relish with us at this fundraiser! $65 all inclusive. Screen Shot 2014-11-08 at 1.59.11 PM


– Nov 14, 9pm – 1am, The Alley’s 2nd Anniversary Party “Studio 300.”  The wildest first hand history lesson in Disco Fever. Hmm, you came to Charleston because it’s living history, right? Come live the clubbing, posing, dancing, open bar, and…well, bowling. Featuring flashy performances, the Alley Roller Girls, and disco balls (and balls of fire maybe?). Dress in the stylish 70’s (expect more than a few Hams – disco is back – oye, punch to the gut). Benefit for Be A Mentor non-profit.

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– Nov 15, HAPPY NATIONAL PHILANTHROPY DAY! Share on our Facebook – what are your plans?

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Screen Shot 2014-11-08 at 3.16.21 PM– Nov 14 -16, AF French Film Festival, Five award-winning films – expect the best! Presented by the Alliance Française of Charleston with Institut Français and the Medical University of South Carolina. Showing at the MUSC Basic Science Auditorium, 173 Ashley Avenue. Buy tickets here or at door for $5/film (or a weekend pass for $20 or $15 for AF members & students under 25)



10428374_796872183712723_7217942407105104822_o– Nov 14 & 15, at 7:30pm, Charleston City Ballet’s “RED” An adult twist to the Red Riding Hood folklore: a wedding engagement, a celebration, a wolf, and a full moon. (Like their Piccolo Spoleto Ballet, “Firebird,” expect a fantasy of engaging costumes, dancers, and choreography by Michael and Olga Wise). At Sottile Theatre, 44 George St. Tickets $23 -$27.

– Nov 15, 4 – 11pm, JAIL BREAK: Vogue Visual Vanity. The 8th bi-annual local avant garde festival with mixed media, performances (don’t miss DanceFX), illusions, interactions, fashions, and exotic food trucks. Jail Break just gets better & better – never gets old – and is always held at the bizarre Old City Jail (think ghosts, The American College of the Building Arts, preservation, and cultural unique to Charleston). At 21 Magazine St. Tickets $15/advance or $20/door.
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Screen Shot 2014-11-08 at 4.57.15 PM– Nov 15, 16, and 30th, Embrace the Fall: Enlighten, Enliven, and Encourage to shine, change, and relieve stress. Join cancer survivor and vibrant wellness teacher, Caryn Antos O’Hara, for an intro to meditation, yoga, and strategies for your mind, body, and soul. Classes $15, $20, $25, or discounted package. Classes on 1st Floor, Blue Heron, 680A King St.



10714343_10204311525541441_8088005254467228263_o– Nov 20 – Dec 6  “The Wild Party” plays at The Village Repertory at Wolfe Street Playhouse. Roaring 20s, prohibition gin joints, vaudeville, great jazz…and the risky frisky flappers that let loose to Do The Charleston, swing, & party! Based on the 1926 poem by Joseph Moncure March, “The Wild Party” has some of our favorites (search our REVIEWS here at DoTheCharleston.com): director Keely Enright, Emily Wilhoit, Ryan Ahlert, Robbie Thomas, & Eden Teichman. Woolfe Street’s renovation, just off King Street, is part of the heart and soul that lives & breathes world class theatre into Charleston & the world.

– Nov 21 from 6:30-10pm, YOGAPOP 3 GRATITUDE: a party for a purpose with all levels yoga(7-8pm), local artisan vendors, food, drinks, live music, performances, and welcoming creative inspiration. Yoga led by Elli Boland, inspiration by Ashley Cebulka, music by Brendan James, and  Acro Yoga by Holy City Cirque’s PeaceLove & Gregarious. Net proceeds benefit This Is Noteworthy and the Global Fund for Women. At Memminger Auditorium, 56 Beaufain St. Tickets $25 adv, $32 door REVIEW: Mind, body, spirit…and holding hands. All the 5 senses were touched; including cool live musical sounds; scents of healing lavender & eucalyptus oils; and tastier spirits to quench our.

Mind, Body, spirit…and holding hands @ YogaPop (copyright DoTheCharleston.com Nov 2014)

Mind, Body, spirit…and holding hands @ YogaPop (copyright DoTheCharleston.com Nov 2014)

Screen Shot 2014-11-21 at 12.54.09 PM– Nov 22 from 12-4pm Arts For Fitness beneFIT 4 Pets family festival with yoga, zumba, and dance fitness classes, and much more… massages & makeovers, arts & crafts, martial arts demos, live music, local artisan vendors, raffles, silent auction, and food. 100 % of proceeds benefit CVRC’s emergency hardship care via the Veterinary Care Foundation. In West Ashley, 3545 Mary Ader Ave.



– Nov 27, 4pm, Charleston Veggie & Vegans ThanksLiving Potluck Dinner. The most scrumptious thankful celebration in Charleston! Come join us and the Facebook group.

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… stay tuned…more updates to come!


ARTicles – Sept

5 Sep

– ARTicles – Sept: Can’t miss things to do, people to see, places to go… Sparking Charleston and the World (check back for more updates, Events, REVIEWs, Film Festivals, more…)

–  Weekly/Daily Swing Jazz & Blues Dancing Sun, Wed, Thur, & Sat; Farmer’s Markets Sat; Art Walks; & more.

Screen Shot 2014-01-17 at 10.56.29 AMDoTheCharleston.com TOURs: private, premium, personalized, satisfaction guaranteed…so you’ll come back (and we give back to preservation…so you’re kids and kids’ kids will come back).


james brown– Sep 5, 9pm Elise Testone throws down her annual James Brown Dance Party at The Windjammer. Break down all your plans, now! Get on up and get on down to the beach. Better than beach music shag dancing – this is the best Blues Dancing! Dazzling Diva Elise will be starring with more show-stoppers, like Charlton Singleton, Michael Quinn, Zandrina Dunning, and more.




KateandSam_ImageNew– Sept 5 -20, “Kate & Sam Are Not Breaking Up” by What If? Productions. (Special Discount Ticket Code: CHASCITY). This blow-out play is back for hurricane season (after premiering at Piccolo Spoleto – see REVIEW below). Preview: Rumors about the breakup of a movie star couple disenchant their fanatic fans. One crazy kidnaps them, of course…what…no. Yes. Then an internet “friend” flames the fires of hell. (Hope for a happy ending in the Garden of Eden). What if? is harsh adult content that’s laughable. At Threshold Theatre. Piccolo REVIEW: “You could never imagine that dreams of internet and Hollywood heroes could turn into a nightmarish, eye-popping, jaw-dropping, ear-screeching, and side-splitting cut-up comedy. Never google, never tweet, and never lie, when an “internet friend” comes over to play house. This house of cards is really shuffled up. Playwright Joel Kim Booster and director Kyle Barnette load the deck with wild cards, then unload an arsenal on the audience. Throwing knives can even be seen in the countless evil-eye glares. Evil so sick, it is wicked fun. The four funny fanatics are rangy actors who play off each other and build-up their characters, in more roles than one. These multiple personality posers push their acting to the cutting edge…to their dramatic destiny. 10269126_744155988967879_2089716168704479453_oGiulia Marie Dalbec (Kate) and Michael David Wilson (Sam) are on roofies. They are drippy druggy drama-queen sex symbols (yes Sam props-up his boobs). Andre Hinds (Bill) is on downers. He’s Internet Junkie Thing 1. He doesn’t smooth-over his hair and ruffled feathers, so his shy shuffle step trips-up the audience. This mad man isn’t mad, he’s a glad man who wants to cozy-up between the glam man and glam girl. He’s crazy in love and lovable in the craziest way. Eden Teichman (Becky) is on uppers and downers, but definitely a speed demon. She’s Internet Junkie Thing 2. She rips out her heart and gives you a piece of her mind, which is mind blowing, like a thousand Charleston hurricanes. Like the Tasmanian Devil cartoon busting out of the box and bursting onto the scene, this whirly girl is very cute like the others, but different, dark, daring, and dangerous. All hell lets loose when this psycho dynamo hop-scotches over the edge of this edgy cliff hanger. It’s a must see play, then see it again, to catch the clever caveats (Becky and Sam go off behind closed doors…hmm…). Spoleto and Piccolo have great players and What If” Productions comes to the table dealing wild cards, so…we all win and want to play more!” Play it again Sam.

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– Sept 8, 6 – 8pm “Full Moon Fundraiser”  sponsored by YogaBareHeart.com This has yoga, paddle boarding, dolphins, (or just party for a purpose $15) to benefit The Charleston Waterkeeper. This will be another cool event with beautiful sponsors and attendees (inside and out). It’s at The Boathouse at Breach Inlet, so along with the yogi head turners, there will be simultaneous head-turner vistas of the moonrise over the beach -and- the sunset over Charleston’s sweetgrass marshes.


– Sept 20, 3-5pm Peace Pole Planting Party: part of Charleston Peace One Day (founded by the inspirational Reba Parker). At the Charleston Tibetan Society & Dharma Center. Check out some peace videos and get inspired to join us – it’s a peaceful life style – come add your style!

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– Sept 21, Carolina Green Fair – Happy International Peace Day!

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– Sept 21, noon- 4pm,   Open ARTs Expo: the 5th annual event by the Charleston Regional Alliance for the ARTs and the College of Charleston School of The Arts at the Cistern Yard. There will be 45 regional ARTs organizations, booths, performances, discounts, and more – including What If? Productions, DanceFX, and more. All HiARTs!

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Here’s another look at DanceFX  in our past HiArtFilms clip:

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– Sept 26 – Oct 3, MOJA Arts Festival. Edutainement for all walks of life, all ages, and all ethnic backgrounds. Cultural, Performing, and Fine Arts by African American and Carribean Culture impacting Charleston and the world.

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…check back here for more updates, Events, Theatre, REVIEWs, Film Festivals…





ARTicles – June & July

12 Jul

– ARTicles – June & July (scroll below). People to see, places to go… Sparking Charleston and the World.

Screen Shot 2014-01-17 at 10.56.29 AM- “DoTheCharleston.com TOURs” private, premium, personalized, satisfaction guaranteed…so you’ll come back (and we give back to preservation…so you’re kids and kids’ kids will come back).


Spoleto Festival <- check back, more REVIEWS, HiArtFilms -> Piccolo Spoleto.

– ARTicles – June & July (check back, more updates, Theatre,  REVIEWs):

– June 26,  Fashion for a cause “A HAT TO REMEMBER” modeling & selling 19th century styles & also modern “chapeaus.” Enjoy wine & hors d’oeuvres & pARTy for a purpose at the cool Old City Jail. Net proceeds benefit Charleston Area Therapeutic Riding & the American College of the Building Arts.


10385600_10203919305891840_3589886159344829110_n– June 28, Bike to the Road Show, Dinner and Bikes” at Tivoli Charleston ART Gallery. REVIEW: “This pARTy for a purpose had something for everyone. All walks of life and bikes of life were seen and heard. Parents eliminating their SUV for a life of bikes was one of the many eye-opening urban bike documentary film clips that tickled our fancy (along with the local COLD beer from COAST Brewing and Palmetto Brewing - served by COOL Blue Collar Bandits). The cornucopia of vegan dishes also included local fruits and veggies. Insightful healthy people, lifestyles, nonprofits, advocates, activists, filmmakers, fashionistas, and urban planners show vegans and bike commuters sparking Portland, Oregon, Charleston, and the world. Speakers and event planners were more like pARTy hosts. These contemporary figure heads were not talking heads but pied pipers singing their tune and we were more than following – we’re charging ahead. We mean business, too, and everyone bought and wore the fashions for a cause that were for sale – more cool t-shirts and hats online are for sale – event pictures here. Net proceeds to benefit Charleston Moves.

July 7,  Memorial Service for Young Music Renaissance Man Brad Cooper – plus – Reception for friends and family. Listen to a Brad Cooper Tribute by Mike Bills about Brad, KineticHiFi.com, TheFix.FM, and more. Here is a HiArtFilms music video we enjoyed making (see end credits, “Brad Cooper – 2nd Camera, Sound Engineer, Editor”) YouTube Preview Image

July 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19 What If? Productions:   “Accepting Applications for a Muse” world premier. Now! Limited offer! $10 tickets, code MUSE, “in the spirit of creative freedom.” This play’s premier is the winner of the 2013 Playwrights’ Festival voted by What If? Productions’ audience.10543643_772139839503970_7773606149431509228_n

Screen Shot 2014-07-12 at 12.59.48 PM– July 12 , 4:30 What If? Productions’ 2014 Playwrights’ Festival includes the 24 hour Competition with 3 plays/finalists. Actors, directors and playwrights meet, then in turn write a script, direct, rehearse all in 24 hours – culminating in the play’s performance/reading at 4:30pm. The finale is free (plus free wine) and the audience will judge and pick the winner (plus more).

FollyBeachPosterWeb– July 11 – Aug 2, Pure Theatre’s new play “Folly Beach.”







doowops– July 10 – Aug 5, The new 34 West Theatre Company’s first play in Charleston, “Doo Wops and Beauty Shops.”







Screen Shot 2014-07-12 at 12.19.23 PMJuly 12, 5:45 – 8pm  Yoga and Paddleboard with Dolphins at the “Full Moon Fundraiser Sunset Paddle” on Shem Creek. Net Proceeds goto protect Dolphins (NOAA). Reservations with Yoga Instructor Wendy Wilson: YogaBareHeart@hotmail.com or call 843-469-4323.




Screen Shot 2014-07-12 at 12.47.16 PM– July 12, 6-9pm, Dalai Lama Birthday pARTy for a purpose…for peace…in Charleston and around the world. Live music, food, Tibetan nomad songs, and items for sale at Gage Hall, downtown, 4 Archdale St.



Bastille Day © 2012

Bastille Day © 2012

- July 14, 5 -10pm French Bastille Day at Fish Restaurant, King St. Dress-up in costumes & march-up from Marion Square with the French Flag & parade of performers from What If? Productions & Can-Can dancers from DanceFX.



bastille day 14

Vive la France…living French history in historical Charleston. C’est la vie…”life imitates art” © 2014


– July 20, The inaugural NutritionHeals Garden Party, Wine, healthy hors d’oeuvres, live music, silent auction, beautiful historic home and garden. Another pARTy for a purpose – join the “food is medicine” movement in Charleston and around the world. Net proceeds benefit the Crohns & Colitis Nutrition Foundation (reversing the symptoms of autoimmune diseases)

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– July 26, 9am RIDEdwin 5th Annual ride to honor the memory of Edwin Gardner, who loved bicycling around Charleston for transportation, adventure, and to enjoy the wonderful downtown community. Start at Cannon park.

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–  Check back for more Updates.

Spoleto Festival

21 May

– SPOLETO FESTIVAL:  Scroll Below!

ARTicles – May: other things to do & people to see.

- Piccolo Spoleto: click here.

DoTheCharleston.com Tours: private, premium, personalized, satisfaction guaranteed…so you”ll come back (and we give back net proceeds to preservation…so you’ll come back)

Dinner and a Show– try both – Dinner & Dancing: Tapas style, of course, to stay light as a feather. Wine pairings & spirits give you wings to float like a butterfly, responsibly. Meet Chefs at haute cuisine restaurants; dance with top instructors; and join us as at the shows:

SPOLETO FESTIVAL <– Tickets and times, May 23 – June 8. Check back below for updates in DoTheCharleston.com ARTicles, Previews, REVIEWs,  HiArtFilms, and special HiArtPromotions!

YouTube Preview Image

– Join us (of course there are many more events and shows here). Below are just some of the best of the best events -oye- mostly on their opening night performances. Join us, so you can be the first “in the know;” talk all about the events;  check back below for REVIEWs; and Like, Share, and add your comments on Facebook:
– Theatre, dance, music, and oh, so much more;
Society & Scene Patrons’ social events, teas, cocktail parties, Artist receptions…more;
– Historical venues like The Cistern, City Hall, Dock Street Theatre, Sotille, Memminger; Spoleto HQ, CofC President’s Opening Night Fête, Homes & Gardens, Middleton Place…more!

– Join us (venue code & address list are at the bottom of page):

– Fri May 23:

"Opening Ceremonies"

“Opening Ceremonies”

– Opening Ceremonies City Hall.  The Four Corners of Law (Hail, Mail, Bail, or Jail). We’ve been blessed with perfect whether. So thank the heavens; give a bow to the Holy City’s church spires; and listen to the angelic voices of the temple choirs…their singing to you, “join us…”

– 3:30 – A Simple Space, ROB. Joyous leaping feats of topsy-turvy acrobatics to flip your wig, blow your mind, and take your breath away with eye-poping intimacy and live music. Take a date and your palms should get sweaty.

– 7:00 – Hubbard Street Dance, TDA. Chic elite stylistic dance company choreographing memorable muscular movements that move beyond contemporary dance. REVIEW:  “These penetrating urban dancers are black and white – no grey - you will love them! Don’t miss “walking into the opening,” because in a blink of the eye, they swoop into a natural graceful enchanting herd of gazelles. Intuitively and seamlessly darting here & there, then dividing at their pleasure at perhaps a wonton leopard. Fleet of foot with decorative arms like antlers, they mirrored the earthy acoustics of the resonating wooden flute amongst rolling african drums. This Spoleto show is the best ever for dance aficionados – it’s 3 shows in 1! Flip the switch on and add some color: Act 2 is a haunting mix of near & far spaces in a metropolis of individuals that are universally the same yet a world apart. The myriad of advancing choreography showed each unique dancer’s passions and longing while wrestling overwhelming questions about love and fear of their own being -and- of their relationship with their partner. Singing from the beginning emerged from a woodsy soulful singer backed by more acoustical wooden flutes. A wall of music similar to Ravel’s “Bolero” only in that it’s progression never gets old: like a blissful night of broken clouds passing through the moonlight. Switch off to Act 3 with shadows lighting up the harmonious shapely arms of rhythmic female dancers – what a finale! Hurry, last chance to get tickets!“  YouTube Preview Image

– 9:00 – Opening Night Fête at the College of Charleston President’s Home & Gardens, 6 Glebe St. Don’t miss the Society Event of the Year with Artists and patrons from Charleston & around the world. Dance & wine & dine after the show, and pARTy for a purpose, for SpoletoUSA.org.

– Sat May 24

– 9:00 – Charenée Wade, CIS. Come be visually transported and immersed under the Cistern Yard’s pastel orange, green, and purple romantic lights against the ghostly grey Spanish Moss. Watch and listen to crisp full vocal ranges and exciting jazz scat singing and more, “…woo woo woo dee dee ba ba bee dee deep, Them There Eyes” Watch a past music video of her’s, below. REVIEW: “Charenée’s vocals dished-up more than jazz on the menu. From the first driving song, the drums and bass wet our taste buds with a whisky shooter. Later, the piano man plucked our feathers and tickled our fancy. Like in a restaurant lounge, she was hanging out with the piano man, and having a sing song conversation. Her music speaks to you. Her jazzy jokes enveloped us in her warm arms. So at-ease, it has to be her way of life. And she shared it with us with giggles & joyful music. More than a few of us got it, and we walked away singing to others about her character and her scatting, le pièce de résistance, of course.” YouTube Preview Image

– Thur May 29

2014Chamber2– Bank of America Chamber Music, DST:  REVIEW Program V: “THE EXQUISITE SMORGASBORD OF QUINTESSENTIAL CHAMBER MUSIC – Once again, the beloved emcee Geoff Nuttall has artificed a veritable cornucopia of chamber pieces. Three pieces mesmerized an audience swooning under the hypnotic sway of professionalism, expertise, and remarkable compositions by three (3) diverse composers. The first piece by the vibrant Renaissance man, Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921), “Caprice sur des aires danois et russes”, op. 79, was indeed a magical tapestry of interwoven harmonic threads that defied analysis, but heralded joy.  Electric violin, guitar, and keyboards were magnificent and balanced  St. Saint-Saëns’ intricate complementary melodies, resulting in a sum greater than its constituent parts. The second piece musically delved, then dove, to express the depths of depression, despair, despondency, dejection, and defeat.  The non-diva-like diva, Charlotte Hellekant (mezzo-soprano) sang as she felt -and- felt as she sang “Priva son d’ogni conforto” and “Deh, piangete, o mesti lumi” of George Frideric Handel’s (1685-1759) Julius Ceasar. The third piece left us just shy of breathlessness, like a marathon – Viola Quintet in B-flat Major, op. 87, Felix Mendelssohn (1809-47). Congratulations to such an outstanding retinue of seasoned, gifted musicians! Tara Helen O’Connor, flute.  James Austin Smith, oboe. Todd Palmer, clarinet. Inon Barnatan, piano. Geoff Nuttall, Mark Fewer, Gabriela Díaz, Daniel Phillips, violins. Masumi Rostad, viola. David Ying, cello. Anthony Manzo, double bass. Pedja Muzijevic, harpsichord.” – Guest Writer, Dr. George Gatgounis, Esq.

– 9:00 Kat Edmonson, CIS  Don’t miss getting tickets. Watch her past Austin music video below. REVIEW: “Kat Edmonson is a dazzling discovery – a damsel in 8 Dimensions: (D1) She’s a breath of fresh air, a spirit to breath-in…relax… and (D2) “dream…lucky you, lucky lucky me.” (D3,4,5) She’s a head-turner and catches your eye, head to toe and all around her chic pixie hair cut. She sprinkles pixie dust which lights up her fairyland, the spanish moss, and Spoleto’s Cistern Yard. (D6) The moment she starts to sing, she catches your ear. You have to catch her live performance, because, this is like catching (D7) “the end of a rainbow.” (D8) Time with her is more than precious, it unfolds into an unforgettable memory, catching time, so it lasting forever. Walking into a Spoleto show is often like walking into a gold mine. Kat is like a diamond in a diamond mine, only there’s no digging, she sparkles right on the surface. Even so, you will dig her. She’s a natural gem – a pure and natural talent. She can “sit in front of a producer and sing unpolished tunes and lyrics…and hook him, and catch him.” Her lyrics hooked us and we hope Spoleto catches this shooting star, again. She’s a bright bluesy blue belle, a country chandelier, a soft sweet starlet, and a majestic melody maker. She sings her soothing, looping, crooning, drooping, and dripping feelings – the bait on her hook which makes you hang on her every word. She catches and holds Charleston…and the world… in the palm of her hand.”  

– Fri May 30

– 9:00 – Aca Seca Trio, CIS. Smooth Latin Jazz Trio who all play and sing with the passions from their South American popular musical heritage.  REVIEW: This was more than a musical magic carpet ride. It started with the wizardry of Spoleto’s lighting fantasia. Walking under the College of Charleston Cistern Yard’s canopy of spanish moss – all lit up in hues of aqua blue – was like swimming into a sexy underwater grotto. The moss looked like billowing strands of seaweed and kelp. After the illusion of discovering Atlantis, the lighting hues then metamorphosed into a mauve sunset, and the musical magic carpet ride whisked away up into the enchantment of a cool jazzy castle in the sky…above South America…the Latin latitudes, attitudes, and interludes cooked up by these hot musicians. Their mesmerizing songs lift and loft the senses, transcending plateaus, soft landing on plush pillowy clouds. Their vocals floated over like a soft blowing breeze. Each of the three musicians’ charms cast a spell: their music, their voices, their passions, their stories, their jokes, their mannerisms, their beings…they were gorgeous. Last chance to come trip the light fantastic, tonight, May 31, at 8pm YouTube Preview Image

– Sat May 31

2014Keigwin+Company2– 2:00 - Keigwin + Company, This stylish fashionable dance company will be a feast for the eyes as well as the ears. With a cutesy catty cat walk and driving sounds, the dancers will pounce.  propel, and push the envelope down the runway.  TDA

2014DorranceDance4– 8:00 – Dorrance Dance/SOUNDspace, MEM

– Mon Jun 2

– 8:00 – Dorrance Dance/Delta to Dusk, MEM


– Tue Jun 3

Screen Shot 2014-05-30 at 4.49.40 PM– 8:00 – Ilona Jäntti, ROB






– Thur Jun 5

2014GregoryMaqoma2– 8:30 – Gregory Maqoma, ROB





– Fri Jun 6

"My Cousin Rachel"

“My Cousin Rachel”

– 3:30 – My Cousin Rachel, DST. The Gate Theatre from Dublin always brings it. They always have that it factor. Classy & distinguished; rich in traditions, wealth, and blue bloods; and dripping with mystery, suspense, and jocular melodrama. They’ll make a bloody good show of it. A wealthy guardian angel’s life suspiciously gets cut short. Is love lost or love gained? Whatever you deduce, you’ll love it.

2014HakonKornstad1– 7:00 – HÃ¥kon Kornstad, REC





– Sun Jun 8

– 3:30 “Festival Finale” at Middleton Place Plantation, with the hot duo “Shovels & Rope,” MID. Historic plantation; magnificent home & gardens; world class picnic and and micro brew beer garden; and fireworks to top it all off.


– – Venue Codes & addresses:

CIS = Cistern Yard at College of Charleston. 66 George St

DST = Dock Street Theatre. 135 Church St

MEM = Memminger Auditorium, 56 Beaufain St.

MID = Middleton Place Plantation, 4300 Ashley River Rd
City Hall = 80 Broad St

SOT = Sottile Theatre, 44 George St
TDA = TD Arena, 301 Meeting St.

ROB = Emmett Robinson Theatre CofC, 54 St. Philip Stt.


Piccolo Spoleto Festival

21 May


- ARTicles – May: other things to do & people to see.

–  Spoleto: click here.

- DoTheCharleston.com Tours: private, premium, personalized, satisfaction guaranteed…so you”ll come back (and we give back net proceeds to preservation…so you’ll come back..and our kids’ kids will learn too)

– Edible Arts Tours: Dinner and a Show, or Spirits Tour, or Dinner & Dancing: Tapas, wine, craft beer, & spirits flowing. Meet Chefs at haute cuisine restaurants; dance with top instructors; and join us as we REVIEW the Shows:

- PICCOLO SPOLETO FESTIVAL <– Tickets, details, & times, May 23 – June 8. Check back below for updates in DoTheCharleston.com ARTicles, Previews, REVIEWs, HiArtFilms, and special HiArtPromotions.

YouTube Preview Image

Join us (there are so many more events and showings here – you’ll want to clone yourself). Below are just some of the best of the best events. Join us, mostly on their opening night performance. Then be the first to tell everyone the latest scoop; Like, Share, and add your comments on Facebook; and check back below for REVIEWs.

Screen Shot 2014-05-20 at 11.07.38 AMScreen Shot 2014-05-20 at 11.11.30 AMScreen Shot 2014-05-20 at 11.07.20 AM

– Come see Dancers & Prancers; watch Painters & Poets; hear Mac Daddies & JAC Jazzies; tell Play Actors to break a leg; and let Improv Actors pull your leg…
– Come to homes & gardens with tours & teas; Artist receptions with wine & cheese; dinner & dancing at speakeasies; and after-parties with VIPs…
– Come to special venues like The Four Corners of Law (Hail, Mail, Bail, or Jail); the Holy City’s church spires and temple choirs; Marion Square & Waterfront Park; City Gallery & The US Custom’s House…


– Join us for Theatre:

– May 24 – June 7, “Kate & Sam Are Not Breaking Up” by What If? Productions. A new play premiering at Piccolo: Rumors about the breakup of a movie star couple disenchant their fanatic fans. One crazy kidnaps them, of course…what…no. Yes. Then an internet “friend” flames the fires of hell. (Hope for a happy ending in the Garden of Eden). What if? is harsh adult content that’s laughable. Threshold Theatre. REVIEW: “You could never imagine that dreams of internet and Hollywood heroes could turn into a nightmarish, eye-popping, jaw-dropping, ear-screeching, and side-splitting comedy. Never google, never tweet, and never lie, when an “internet friend” comes over to play house. This house of cards is really shuffled up. Playwright Joel Kim Booster and director Kyle Barnette load the deck with wild cards, and then unload an arsenal on the audience. 10269126_744155988967879_2089716168704479453_oThrowing knives can even be seen in the countless evil-eye glares. Evil so sick, it is wicked fun. The four funny fanatics are rangy actors who play off each other and build-up their characters, in more roles than one. These multiple personality posers push their acting over the edge…to their dramatic destiny. Giulia Marie Dalbec (Kate) and Michael David Wilson (Sam) are on roofies. They are drippy druggy drama-queen sex symbols (yes Sam props-up his boobs). Andre Hinds (Bill) is on downers. He’s Internet Junkie Thing 1. He doesn’t smooth-over his hair and ruffled feathers, so his shy shuffle step trips-up the audience. This mad man isn’t mad, he’s a glad man who wants to cozy-up between the glam man and glam girl. He’s crazy in love and lovable in the craziest way. Eden Teichman (Becky) is on uppers and downers, but definitely a speed demon. She’s Internet Junkie Thing 2. She rips out her heart and gives you a piece of her mind, which is mind blowing, like a thousand Charleston hurricanes. Like the Tasmanian Devil cartoon busting out of the box and bursting onto the scene, this whirly girl is very cute like the others, but different, dark, daring, and dangerous. All hell lets loose when this psycho dynamo hop-scotches over the edge of this edgy cliff hanger. It’s a must see play, again & again, to catch the clever caveats (Becky and Sam go off behind closed doors…hmm…). Spoleto and Piccolo have great players and What If” Productions comes to the table dealing wild cards, so…we all win and want to play more!”

Eva-Peron_1927905cMay 24 - June 1 “EVITA” Latin musical about the nostalgic provocative, Eva Peron. She scratched-out of poverty to be a young starlet in Buenos Aires and then the First Lady. Gossiped by all, morned too soon, and a coup stole her body! Footlight Players Theatre.


Screen Shot 2014-04-29 at 4.06.51 PM– May 25 – June 7, Threshold Theatre’s Play “1963” Directed by Pamela Galle. “1963” is about an overwhelming nation, a small community in NC, and a family dealing with the turning points in racial tensions. A teenage girl (at a high school for whites only), learns what it takes to change…more…to boldly go and find a friendship with a young African American male. (Like all great theatre, there are compelling empowering analogies that resonate forever: Can a student “teach us” the way to come together in a polarizing world…can a young actress “show us” the way? How is this possible? Why is this imperative? Buy your tickets and come find out). May 18th is a Q&A with Judy Simpson Cook, the playwright from NC who has had many award winning plays performed nation wide. May 1st-May 18th Thur – Sat at 8pm. Last two Sundays at 3pm. REVIEW: The casting is right on, because the actors love their roles. Each has sharp moments, and this drama cuts too deep to be dull. This isn’t play acting, and it is more than culturally enriching. They get to educate -and- entertain the audience. (I call it edutainment. The drama moves true theatre lovers -and- converts new theatre lovers to broaden their horizons. Pamela Galle, the director, agrees, “I love it.” The standing ovations love it, too. This drama stands out among thousands of racial dramas. In the lazy summer south: this privileged, young, sheltered, white, and pretty teenage girl “stereotype” means anything but that, means everything but that, and means everything to the world. “How can I make a difference,” says a High School Principle!! One teenager, one person, “any person, can make a difference”…just reach out to join another person; better, the polar opposite person; and best “holding their hand” (and be their wingman, as we say it today). The takeaways: (1) Share and Invite your friends…free. (2) One ticket…$10-$20. (3) See a student teach us how to change a polarizing world (in Charleston)…priceless.

Charleston actress Saluda Camp

Charleston actress Saluda Camp

– May 25 – June 7, STELLE DI DOMANI SERIES: Mrs. John Marsh: The World Knew Her as Margaret Mitchell,  by Melita Easters. One-woman play about the “Gone With the Wind” writer staring Charleston’s Saluda Camp (who now acts in NY). Theatre 220, 54 St. Philip St. REVIEW “Who knew that Margaret Mitchell, author of “Gone With The Wind,” was as coquettish and tenacious as Scarlet O’Hara herself? With her masterful performance, local actress, Saluda Camp, gives life and insight into the author of one of America’s most beloved epic novels. Coupled with Easter’s delightfully humorous script was a backdrop of photographs & films from Mitchell’s childhood in 1900 to her death in 1949. This play was entertaining as well as fascinating. This was my first Piccolo Spoleto event, and I look forward to many more” – Guest writer, Tula Holmes, Seattle Washington. (Editors note: Check back after HiArtFilms interviews Camp & Easters – they are delightful. Infact, join us filming the interview at our “Dinner and a Show!”)

The_Pit_with_Vanessa_Quesnelle_and_Martin_Dockery_credit_khphotographics_1-150x150PICCOLO FRINGE at Theatre 99: “The Pit” Fast-paced laugher, wrestling with married life  and a bottomless bedroom pit. Heady, musical, sing song, and striking script. Praised all over America.  May 27, June 4 at 7pm, June 1 at 5pm. 280 Meeting St (stairs behind the Bicycle Shoppe).


– June 4 – 5, “Tonight A Clown Will Travel Time” a Miniature Curiosa drama. Clowns, puppets, time machines – it’s a lot of creativity. But is it visionary enough to plant the seeds for the future by going back in the past? 7 & 9pm June 4, and 5pm June 5. PURE Theatre


Join us for Dance & Music:

–  The Blues Cruises: May 24: Shrimp City Slim plays classic blues which we blues dance & shag dance to here in the Lowcountry. May 25: Shelly Waters “Swamp Pop Princess”— Louisiana Cajun. May 26: Juke Joint Johnny & The Hurricanes, The “Harmonica High Priest of the Southeast” will be a blues bopping hopping rocking juke joint on a boat. Jun 2: Steve & The Stilettos rolling blues & dancing (like the legendary Delbert McClinton). The Charleston Harbor Tours’ Carolina Queen boards at 6:30pm and cruises from 7-9pm. City Marina, 17 Lockwood Dr. REVIEW:  Juke Joint Johnny backed by roaring blues musicians led by Shrimp City Slim, was the only rail road floating on a boat -and- cruising on the Charleston Harbor. The choo choo rolled over the crowd –  leaving us flat-out dazed in the sunset. Yet we were tapping our toes, kicking up our heels, grooving, blues dancing, and shag dancing. The best old timey blues harp jig in Charleston & the world. Still alive & kicking after the festival – Contact us for CDs & their next gigs.YouTube Preview Image

chatham_baroque-45–  EARLY MUSIC SERIES: THE GRAND TOUR, May 27. The classical Chatham Baroque ayres & sonatas by Vivaldi, Telemann, Corelli. Erika Cutler plays the Baroque Violin. The Huguenot Church is a wondrous beautiful venue for a sterling Piccolo performance, 136 Church St. REVIEW: “Chatham Baroque, Pittsburgh’s treasured ensemble, ensconced by the Muses, enchanted yet another enraptured audience. Climaxing with a consummate, even crashing close, was the Siren-like encapsulation of strumming in sync, by Gaspar Sanz’s “Espanoleta & Canarios.” The audience even swayed, ever so slightly, to the engaging rhythm, like gently bobbing daisies in a field before a minuscule breeze. The ascending crescendo of choice pieces culminated in the sprightly “Scotch Humour” by Nicola Matteis; the striking sonata by Vivaldi, Opus 1, no. 8; as well as several other charming baroque numbers.” – Guest Writer, Dr. George Gatgounis, Esq.

b_holiday–  JAZZ CRUISES: Duke’s Men, with special guest, San Francisco trumpeter Jon Thornton-(120min) present a musical history of jazz, from New Orleans, to Kansas City to Chicago to New York and endiing with the cool school in LA. A cruise you won’t forget. With brand new commentary from pianist and author, Franklin Ashley. Joining Franklin will be Don Nordquist on clarinet and tenor sax, Brian Reed on bass, Rich Robinson on drums, with sparkling vocals from Becca Hodges and Whitney Hanna…in the spirit of Dinah Washington, Ella Fitzgerald, Ella James and Billie Holiday….Don’t miss this unique program! Spirit of Lowcountry. Mau 27: boards 7:30pm; cruise from 8-10pmountain Walk Dock (at Aquarium @ Concord St & Charlestte St.)

– May 29 – June 1, “The Charleston Dance & Jazz Showfrom the Roaring 20s. Performers from Broadway & Charleston kick-up their heels. Jon us at this Piccolo Pop-Up Speakeasy, Marion’s of Charleston, 159 East Bay St






Screen Shot 2014-05-21 at 4.50.03 AMScreen Shot 2014-05-20 at 10.43.57 AM– May 30 – June 1, Piccolo’s 7th Annual JAC Jazz Series with JAC (Jazz Artists of Charleston), CJO (19 piece Charleston Jazz Orchestra), and also CJO’s 10 piece Chamber Ensemble – all at The Charleston Music Hall.







ARTicles – May

1 May

Sparking Charleston and the World (check back for more updates)

–  ARTicles – April: things to do, people to see

–  ARTicles – May: things to do – people to see. Scroll below!

Screen Shot 2014-01-17 at 10.56.29 AM–  “DoTheCharleston.com Tours” private, premium, personalized, satisfaction guaranteed…so you’ll come back (and we give back to preservation…so you’ll come back).

–  Spoleto Festival <– Links. our ARTicles, Updates, Previews, REVIEWs, etc

–  Piccolo Spoleto! <– Links, our ARTicles, Updates, Previews, REVIEWs, etc


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– May 1, Gibbes on the Street—East Meets West Gala benefit for the Gibbes Museum of Art. Their parties for a purpose in front of the Museum at 135 Meeting St are always world class. This promises to be a “multi-cultural bazaar,” and they always deliver. Haute cuisine from the best Chefs in town, like Charleston Grill, Cypress, FIG, The Grocery, Halls, The Macintosh/Oak, SNOBs. Open bar with Crown Royal XO and Canyon Road.


– May 8, 7pm, Preservation Society of Charleston 3rd Annual Gala to benefit their SEVEN TO SAVE FUND (raise awareness & financial support for preservation in Charleston & the region). Expect the same as last year’s Gala (we “attracted” some newbies and converted them into “passionate” preservation enthusiasts) This year is themed with Dancing to a 1940’s Big Jazz Band. Hors d’Oeuvres, spirits, and silent auction, included. Enston Memorial Hall, 900 King Street.

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8C656049-2889-4AF8-A615-C902B9382D65– May 9 The Oxygen Ball “Lowcountry Dancing With The Stars” benefit for The American Lung Association. It’s their annual Gala – a pARTy for a purpose, of course, for everyone and Kings & Queens, too. It’s their glorious Dancing Party, with a Gatsby theme, naturally - everyone wants to Do The Charleston – but oh, watch their Celebrities. It’s their lavish Gala with Haute Cuisine and spirits, as expected, by Charleston foodies and world travelers, too. It’s their Silent & Live Auctions, the more you give the more you receive (something for everyone, too).

2014_WATERBALL_STD1-750x1024-e1400470460333– May 22 The Water Ball, 5th annual Gala benefit for The Charleston Waterkeeper. Cyrus Buffum is the spark here in Charleston and he engages the world, most definitely. Join us locals along with the jet set that fly in for this pARTy for a purpose – for the right to clean water. The food, spirits, music & dancing, all have innovative water themes for the purist of palates. It’s all in good taste, and the eye candy is mouth watering, too. Purists who protect our pure water are attractive, and they attract other attractive purists – just saying – it’s catchy. Come contract our attractive syndrome – there’s something in the water…in a good way. This pARTy is always at the SC Aquarium, 7-11pm.


Stars, Social Entrepreneurs Everywhere!

9 Apr

Sparking Charleston & the World (check back for many more updates)

–  (Other April Things To Do — here)

–  Stars, Filmmakers, and Social Entrepreneurs Everywhere! SEE below Previews and REVIEWS: “Everyone Should Come!” join us now at these events (don’t wait for Reviews to see what you missed)!!

 Apr 3 from 4-5pm Join Envision SC at Coastal Community Foundation, first Thursday each month (contact me for info or to attend).

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– Apr 3 from 4-6 Join Power Networking with The Lowcountry Business Network, The Harbor Accelerator Team and Mount Pleasant Business at Triangle Char & Bar Mt. Pleasant. Happy Hour Drink Specials & Free appetizers.

– Apr 8  TEDxCharleston:  Visionary Social Entrepreneurs create ripple effects from here and beyond (hey this is just like DoTheCharleston.com sparks Charleston and the world. See our Mission/Purpose for the last 3 years. Our call to action to join us is working!). The pie is growing for all. Business, Science, and ART that’s engaging and transforming.

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– Apr 9, from 6 – 7:30 Will Marre Lecture: “Start with Nothing, Save the World, and Make a Fortune.” An exciting lecture at College of Charleston Business School. REVIEW: Will can explain brain science to the common person, woahhh! Use your brain, duh. Ahhhh, but “after” you meditate for 5 min when you wake up, at lunch, and right before you go in a stressful situation. Also, play after work, do the Charleston, walk, yoga, surf, or whatever makes you happy. Eureka, an epiphany, it’s brain science and now you know. So transcend, join all of us, and save the world (make it better – and Charleston, too)! Everyone’s doin it, just sayin.”

– Apr 9-13 Dig South - See presentations, interactive events, pitches, and a lot of networking. Plenty of Social Entrepreneurs(they’re everywhere), geniuses(yep), Investors (I hope I get touched by an Angel), 650 companies, and 5000 attendees. The President of College of Charleston hosts Happy Hour (the Bailey’s Irish Cream rises to the top). Like, Comment, and Share Updates on Facebook. (Free passes to Finale at The Alley, 4-6pm. Party & games go till midnight Saturday night.)

REVIEWS: “Dig South, Everyone Should Come!”  Join us now at these events (don’t wait for Reviews to see what you missed). I invited a friend, Travis, and bam, he was awe-struck : “after talking to startup Pitchman at @EataBit (Text Restaurant Orders), and social entrepreneur, Debbie Mohr, my mind was racing. I have talk some more, I have to come Friday & Saturday.”  See Will Marre’s Review above! DuMore Improv’s session interacted with all attendees to “Tell Their Story” especially in your pitch (15 to 30 seconds or 2 minutes…and…the story’s more memorable & sticks! Frame it (what’s in it for the listener, investor) and call-them-to action. Done. I tried it, and it works!

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–  April 9 – 13  Charleston International Film Festival Including Documentary Filmmakers, who showcase Social Entrepreneurs!! 2014 is as exciting as ever, stay tuned for Reviews (Like, Comment, and Share Updates on HiArtFilms Facebook.  (Also go Look Back at 2013 Full Reviews - Excerpt “Around the world in 5 days…brilliant, as in illuminating…Peachers showed us where there’s a world there’s a way…got down to earth with filmmakers, producers…more than just Film…shine like a star…” Free! Say “DoTheCharleston Dinner Party” to get FREE Tickets to Sat 8pm Short FIlms Block at Charleston Music Hall -plus- FREE Tickets to Afterparty!

REVIEWS: “CIFF, Everyone Should Come!”  Join us now at these events (don’t wait for Reviews to see what you missed). I invited many friends, and of course received many, “Thanks, we want to come again.” And, of course made new friends…big surprise, not.  The Opening Street Party and Red Carpet, and “Draft Day” screening were on a Grand scale.

Films: “Stop Light Observations: Smilers of the Night” This music video created flickering beams of fire in the dark shadows throughout the set. The dark shadows in the characters then locked eyes with us all in the theatre. Bursts of fire made other characters wear shades. Some lit-up their chest and some damsels in distress hung suspended in the light of the moon. The cinematography brought them, the props, and the sets, out of the screen and blended with the cool music to light up the dark theater. The best part of CIFF so far? The Q&A, when LA Director, Lloyd, and Charleston Producer, Gorlitsky answered the question the same way,”nailing the design, so everything after falls in place…because…the collaboration was bonding.” LA + Charleston = world class = 5 Stars. Of course we went to the after party with them till…

Audiences eager for Q&A with Filmmakers. Photo by Timothy Burnham.

Films: “White Shoe” had textured props & sets with crisp yet soothing color spectrums. Lighting hues, camera swoops, and depth of field “looked like” 3-D. It was a 5-star lush story-book musical peek (no words). “The Hero” was apropos with a very young girl’s cute cute yoga indoctrination of her back-woods daddy (that’s our Mission! So of course, 5-star). “Me + Her” was the epitome of out of the box. Literally, go to the dictionary, look up “out of the box film,” and this is the definition. A story (no words needed) that used the international language of visuals and music. See the film? $10. See the whole block (included in the $10). Film steals the genre? More than 5-star…priceless.


2014 Red Carpet

2013 Gala photo copyright Valerie Photography

2013 Gala photo copyright Valerie Photography

Apr 23, Free, RSVP: Special screening, “MisLEAD”, a passionate Documentary Movie with a call-to-action to curb the epidemic poisoning 1 in 3 US children. ADD/ADHD/Autism – wonder why? Test your children and school/home renovations especially with the preservation in Charleston. Charleston Music Hall, 7-10pm, including Q&A after with Director & world leading advocate, Tamara Rubin. She’s a sharp spearhead piercing overwhelming problems to incorporate a myriad of solutions. REVIEW: “An overwhelming film filled with passion from all walks of life: children, parents, teachers, experts, politicians, on and on. So many appalling facts, and yet so little action to help educate, urge, and enforce the prevention and the unfortunate aftermath of lead poisoning. The interactive Q&A kept everyone glued to their seats – thanks to the panel: Director, Tamara Rubin; Special Family Resource Exec Dir Mindy Allen; as well as health care and legal experts, too.” Share it on Facebook.

ARTicles – April

1 Apr

Sparking Charleston & the World (check back for many more updates)

– March ARTicles  – click here

- April ARTicles  – Scroll Below

Win Free 5Star Tours at our Facebook(s) <– Like & Share!!  “DoTheCharleston.com Tours” cultural, ARTsy, personalized for you, day or night. Call last minute or in advance. The Most Knowledgeable, Experienced, Licensed Guides, Authors. Details, numbers to Call, Text, Rates. 

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– April VOTE “Kick-Up Your Heels with Pommery, Best Friend 13yr old Golden Retriever.” Net proceeds goto PetHelpers.
VOTE—> follow links and instructions 1-6 here Help spread the word so Pom Wins! Then join us when Pom goes to donate net proceeds to Pet Helpers (You & Pom will meet cute dogs in cages desperate for love & a home! You’ll want to volunteer or fundraise like Pom is trying to do. Join us! WATCH Video Here.

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- April is Jazz Appreciation Month - Embracing Jazz at Jenkins Institute

Embracing Jazz at Jenkins Institute

–  Mar 29 – Apr 6  Family Circle Cup TENNIS (Past Review: 2011″Best Tennis Town” USTA  Award. Plus, “Tennis in the City,”  outreach clinic for urban youth with Venus & Serena Williams – fostering urban tennis for a lifetime.YouTube Preview Image

– Apr 3 – 13   Social Entrepreneurs Everywhere (SEE) <– details & links. Excepts:

- Apr 3  Envision SC <– SEE details & Links. (Excerpt: “…at Coastal Community Foundation…”

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– Apr 3  Power Networking <– SEE details & Links. (Excerpt: “…Lowcountry Business Network, The Harbor Accelerator …Happy Hour Drink Specials & Free appetizers.

Apr  5  Cooper River Bridge RUN - They raise worldwide awareness for their sponsored Non-Profits, as well as FUNdraising.

– Apr 2014  Roots of Jazz Festival  – Celebrating Jazz Legends, Past & Present: Honor Visionary Rev Daniel Jenkins, Founder of Jenkins Orphanage, inventor of Jazz, & first to Do The Charleston


– Apr 8  TEDxCharleston <– SEE details & Links. (Excerpt: “…Visionaries…ripple…here & beyond…(DoTheCharleston.com sparks Charleston and the world….call to action…transforming.

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– Apr 9  Will Marre Lecture <– SEE details & Links (Excerpt: “…Start with Nothing, Save the World, and Make a Fortune…”

– Apr 9-13 Dig South <– SEE details & Links. (Excerpt: “…geniuses…touched by an Angel…President…hosts Happy Hour…Cream rises to the top…”

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– Apr 9-13 Charleston International Film Fest  <– SEE details & Links. (Excerpt: “ 2014 is as exciting as ever. Tune in for REVIEWS (2013 Look Back Full Reviews…Around the world in 5 days…illuminating…Peachers showed us where there’s a world there’s a way…down to earth…more than just Film…a star…” Photo copyright Valerie Photography

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 – Apr 10 – 13 Charleston Race Week – the largest sailboat racing event in America.

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–  Apr 11 – 13  East Coast Canoe & Kayak Festival. Charleston is a world class destination for vast diverse year-round kayaking.

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– Apr 17, 6-9pm Take Back The Night Gala benefiting People Against Rape. Click picture to zoom in details:

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– Apr 22  Happy Earth Day – 1 Billion People around the world come together to make an impact now and further the action started by the first Earth Day in 1970 (when 20 million Americans began modern environmentalism).


– Apr 23 Free, RSVP: Special screening, “MisLEAD”, a passionate Documentary Movie with a call-to-action to curb the epidemic poisoning 1 in 3 US children. ADD/ADHD/Autism – wonder why? Test your children, toys, jewelry, make-up, and especially school/home renovations with all the preservation in Charleston. Charleston Music Hall, 7-10pm, including Q&A after with Director & world leading advocate, Tamara Rubin. She’s a spearhead piercing overwhelming problems to incorporate a myriad of solutions. REVIEW: An overwhelming film filled with passion from all walks of life: children, parents, teachers, experts, politicians, on and on. So many appalling facts, and yet so little action to help educate, urge, and enforce the prevention and the unfortunate aftermath of lead poisoning. The interactive Q&A kept everyone glued to their seats – thanks to the panel: Director, Tamara Rubin; Special Family Resource Exec Dir Mindy Allen; as well as health care and legal experts, too.

– Apr 24 – 27  The 2nd Annual Charleston Food Film Festival shows progressive Short Films (including 3 world premiers) at the same time as serving progressive food and spirits in a lively, engaging, “mind-blowing,” party atmosphere. Both Local and national chefs are serving their specialities.

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– Apr 26, 11am – 4pm Earth Day Festival

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– Apr 26 from 4 – 11pm JAIL BREAK: Optical Delusions This is the 7th bi-annual super-cool local artisan festival with mixed media, performances (don’t miss DanceFX!, and also Tyler Boone’s new single “Take Aim”), illusions, interactions, and…exotic food trucks. It’s always held at the bizarre Old City Jail (think ghosts, the American College of the Building Arts, and preservation unique to Charleston). REVIEW: As cool as ever, it just gets better, like all the culture in Charleston. Coming to see the Old City Jail, the artisans, and the musicians never gets old (especially DanceFX – get their DVD)  – so come & watch again and again.

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