Stars, Social Entrepreneurs Everywhere!
9 Apr
Sparking Charleston & the World (check back for many more updates)
– Â (Other April Things To Do — here)
–  Stars, Filmmakers, and Social Entrepreneurs Everywhere! SEE below Previews and REVIEWS: “Everyone Should Come!” join us now at these events (don’t wait for Reviews to see what you missed)!!
–  Apr 3 from 4-5pm Join Envision SC at Coastal Community Foundation, first Thursday each month (contact me for info or to attend).
– Apr 3 from 4-6 Join Power Networking with The Lowcountry Business Network, The Harbor Accelerator Team and Mount Pleasant Business at Triangle Char & Bar Mt. Pleasant. Happy Hour Drink Specials & Free appetizers.
– Apr 8 Â TEDxCharleston:Â Â Visionary Social Entrepreneurs create ripple effects from here and beyond (hey this is just like sparks Charleston and the world. See our Mission/Purpose for the last 3 years. Our call to action to join us is working!). The pie is growing for all. Business, Science, and ART that’s engaging and transforming.
– Apr 9, from 6 – 7:30 Will Marre Lecture: “Start with Nothing, Save the World, and Make a Fortune.” An exciting lecture at College of Charleston Business School. REVIEW: Will can explain brain science to the common person, woahhh! Use your brain, duh. Ahhhh, but “after” you meditate for 5 min when you wake up, at lunch, and right before you go in a stressful situation. Also, play after work, do the Charleston, walk, yoga, surf, or whatever makes you happy. Eureka, an epiphany, it’s brain science and now you know. So transcend, join all of us, and save the world (make it better – and Charleston, too)! Everyone’s doin it, just sayin.”
– Apr 9-13 Dig South - See presentations, interactive events, pitches, and a lot of networking. Plenty of Social Entrepreneurs(they’re everywhere), geniuses(yep), Investors (I hope I get touched by an Angel), 650 companies, and 5000 attendees. The President of College of Charleston hosts Happy Hour (the Bailey’s Irish Cream rises to the top). Like, Comment, and Share Updates on Facebook. (Free passes to Finale at The Alley, 4-6pm. Party & games go till midnight Saturday night.)
REVIEWS: “Dig South, Everyone Should Come!” Join us now at these events (don’t wait for Reviews to see what you missed). I invited a friend, Travis, and bam, he was awe-struck : “after talking to startup Pitchman at @EataBit (Text Restaurant Orders), and social entrepreneur, Debbie Mohr, my mind was racing. I have talk some more, I have to come Friday & Saturday.”  See Will Marre’s Review above! DuMore Improv’s session interacted with all attendees to “Tell Their Story” especially in your pitch (15 to 30 seconds or 2 minutes…and…the story’s more memorable & sticks! Frame it (what’s in it for the listener, investor) and call-them-to action. Done. I tried it, and it works!

–  April 9 – 13  Charleston International Film Festival Including Documentary Filmmakers, who showcase Social Entrepreneurs!! 2014 is as exciting as ever, stay tuned for Reviews (Like, Comment, and Share Updates on HiArtFilms Facebook.  (Also go Look Back at 2013 Full Reviews - Excerpt “Around the world in 5 days…brilliant, as in illuminating…Peachers showed us where there’s a world there’s a way…got down to earth with filmmakers, producers…more than just Film…shine like a star…” Free! Say “DoTheCharleston Dinner Party” to get FREE Tickets to Sat 8pm Short FIlms Block at Charleston Music Hall -plus- FREE Tickets to Afterparty!
REVIEWS: “CIFF, Everyone Should Come!” Join us now at these events (don’t wait for Reviews to see what you missed). I invited many friends, and of course received many, “Thanks, we want to come again.” And, of course made new friends…big surprise, not.  The Opening Street Party and Red Carpet, and “Draft Day” screening were on a Grand scale.
Films: “Stop Light Observations: Smilers of the Night” This music video created flickering beams of fire in the dark shadows throughout the set. The dark shadows in the characters then locked eyes with us all in the theatre. Bursts of fire made other characters wear shades. Some lit-up their chest and some damsels in distress hung suspended in the light of the moon. The cinematography brought them, the props, and the sets, out of the screen and blended with the cool music to light up the dark theater. The best part of CIFF so far? The Q&A, when LA Director, Lloyd, and Charleston Producer, Gorlitsky answered the question the same way,”nailing the design, so everything after falls in place…because…the collaboration was bonding.” LA + Charleston = world class = 5 Stars. Of course we went to the after party with them till…
Films: “White Shoe” had textured props & sets with crisp yet soothing color spectrums. Lighting hues, camera swoops, and depth of field “looked like” 3-D. It was a 5-star lush story-book musical peek (no words). “The Hero” was apropos with a very young girl’s cute cute yoga indoctrination of her back-woods daddy (that’s our Mission! So of course, 5-star). “Me + Her” was the epitome of out of the box. Literally, go to the dictionary, look up “out of the box film,” and this is the definition. A story (no words needed) that used the international language of visuals and music. See the film? $10. See the whole block (included in the $10). Film steals the genre? More than 5-star…priceless.
– Apr 23, Free, RSVP: Special screening, “MisLEAD”, a passionate Documentary Movie with a call-to-action to curb the epidemic poisoning 1 in 3 US children. ADD/ADHD/Autism – wonder why? Test your children and school/home renovations especially with the preservation in Charleston. Charleston Music Hall, 7-10pm, including Q&A after with Director & world leading advocate, Tamara Rubin. She’s a sharp spearhead piercing overwhelming problems to incorporate a myriad of solutions. REVIEW: “An overwhelming film filled with passion from all walks of life: children, parents, teachers, experts, politicians, on and on. So many appalling facts, and yet so little action to help educate, urge, and enforce the prevention and the unfortunate aftermath of lead poisoning. The interactive Q&A kept everyone glued to their seats – thanks to the panel: Director, Tamara Rubin; Special Family Resource Exec Dir Mindy Allen; as well as health care and legal experts, too.” Share it on Facebook.