ARTicles – May
1 May
Sparking Charleston and the World (check back for more updates)
– Â ARTicles – April:Â things to do, people to see
– Â ARTicles – May:Â things to do – people to see. Scroll below!
–  “ Toursâ€Â private, premium, personalized, satisfaction guaranteed…so you’ll come back (and we give back to preservation…so you’ll come back).
–  Spoleto Festival <– Links. our ARTicles, Updates, Previews, REVIEWs, etc
– Â Piccolo Spoleto! <– Links, our ARTicles, Updates, Previews, REVIEWs, etc
– May 1, Gibbes on the Street—East Meets West Gala benefit for the Gibbes Museum of Art. Their parties for a purpose in front of the Museum at 135 Meeting St are always world class. This promises to be a “multi-cultural bazaar,” and they always deliver. Haute cuisine from the best Chefs in town, like Charleston Grill, Cypress, FIG, The Grocery, Halls, The Macintosh/Oak, SNOBs. Open bar with Crown Royal XO and Canyon Road.
– May 8, 7pm, Preservation Society of Charleston 3rd Annual Gala to benefit their SEVEN TO SAVE FUND (raise awareness & financial support for preservation in Charleston & the region). Expect the same as last year’s Gala (we “attracted†some newbies and converted them into “passionate†preservation enthusiasts) This year is themed with Dancing to a 1940’s Big Jazz Band. Hors d’Oeuvres, spirits, and silent auction, included. Enston Memorial Hall, 900 King Street.
– May 9 The Oxygen Ball “Lowcountry Dancing With The Stars” benefit for The American Lung Association. It’s their annual Gala – a pARTy for a purpose, of course, for everyone and Kings & Queens, too. It’s their glorious Dancing Party, with a Gatsby theme, naturally - everyone wants to Do The Charleston – but oh, watch their Celebrities. It’s their lavish Gala with Haute Cuisine and spirits, as expected, by Charleston foodies and world travelers, too. It’s their Silent & Live Auctions, the more you give the more you receive (something for everyone, too).
– May 22 The Water Ball, 5th annual Gala benefit for The Charleston Waterkeeper. Cyrus Buffum is the spark here in Charleston and he engages the world, most definitely. Join us locals along with the jet set that fly in for this pARTy for a purpose – for the right to clean water. The food, spirits, music & dancing, all have innovative water themes for the purist of palates. It’s all in good taste, and the eye candy is mouth watering, too. Purists who protect our pure water are attractive, and they attract other attractive purists – just saying – it’s catchy. Come contract our attractive syndrome – there’s something in the water…in a good way. This pARTy is always at the SC Aquarium, 7-11pm.
Tags: "Renaissance Man", "Renaissance Woman", Arts, Broaden Horizons, Charleston, The World, Tikkun Olam