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Mar 28 – Apr 3 Week “Updates”

28 Mar

“Under Construction,” check back (or Follow as a Fan on Facebook, tell friends, Twitter…

–  Walk – Bike Lane Over Ashley <–Details at  Click –> RESOLUTION Download, Print on your Letterhead. Sign, NOW, I’ll pick-up. CONTACT me to Make an IMPACT, NOW! Comment below; sign-up others; Facebook; Twitter; & Tweet —>

Downtown Bridges Across Ashley River. Copyright, do not use without written release.

–  Mar 28,  Public Hearing,  3:30-5:30 Charleston: How Bike-Friendly Do You Think It Is? <— Charleston Moves BLOG: “…Charleston City Councilman Mike Seekings wants everyone to come give YOUR viewpoint:  Is the city on the right track when it comes to managing ballooning bicycle traffic? And is Charleston good to pedestrians? Charleston City Hall.

2010 – 2011  Special Event!   —

Copyright onEdition. VELUX 5 OCEANS Skipper Brad Van Liew on his yacht, Le Pingouin

- WATCH  RACE!! <– Click here  (…wait, then on left click “Raceviewer;” then click “Replay Sprint 4″)

–  Mar 27 – mid Apr:  Charleston’s Brad Van Liew’s solo race from Brazil to Charleston!  Velux 5 Oceans Solo Sailboat Race Around the World. Click and WAIT for Brad’s  VIDEO to load, it’s awesome <– CONTACT me to sponsor.

- The Race Started Oct 2010, France to Cape Town, S.Africa. Then to Wellington, New Zealand. Then to Brazil. He has won all 3 legs do far. He will be the 1st US Sailboat racer to Solo Around the World for the 3rd time – and hopefully win again. More astronauts have been in space then solo sailers around the world – it is that challenging.

~ May 18 The Final leg will race out of Charleston and arrive France mid June.

– In Charleston, Brad Van Liew was the Exec. Dir. of and the Spirit of SC Tall Ship – they empower > 7000 students to broaden horizons!


–  Mar 28,  7 – 8:30pm, College of Charleston  –  Jewish Studies Center: The Promised Land? Slavery, Freedom, and Southern Jews” by Stuart Rockoff. Lecture Series, “Food for Thought,” a stellar lineup of leading speakers discuss impacts on Jewish – African American relations after the war… Series preceded by desserts and coffee. Free/public. 96 Wentworth (843) 953-5682 (Room: Arnold Hall).

–  Mar 29,  7 – 9pm, College of Charleston  –  Jewish Studies Center: Contemporary Israeli Cinema: Yossi and Jagger: Multiple awards…two lovers, set on the border of Israel and Lebanon. Hebrew instructor Tsipi Wagner leads discussion after. Movies are Hebrew with English subtitles. Free/public. 96 Wentworth (843) 953-5682 (Room: Arnold Hall).

–  Weekly Dances, Lessons, Events –> Charleston Swing Dance Assoc.

–  Apr 1,  7:30pm, Stephen’s lessons, dances, snacks, Fridays:

–  Apr  2,   Cooper River Bridge RUN – They raise worldwide awareness for their sponsored Non-Profits, as well as FUNdraising.


–  Family Circle Cup “Tennis in the City”

–  Apr  2 – 10,  Family Circle Cup TENNIS on Daniel Island. Tuesday night Apr 5, celebrate Charleston’s  ”Best Tennis Town” USTA  Award of $100,000 for programs & facilities. Click here for Website Details…also note–> “Tennis in the City,” a 1-day fun outreach clinic for urban youth which includes WTA Tour & local tennis pros and also college & high school tennis teams. Both Venus & Serena Williamshave brought World Class tennis to downtown Charleston, including exciting personal instruction for underprivileged urban kids ages 5 – 18, fostering urban tennis for a lifetime.


RAW Video – new Green Video

24 Mar

– Update Apr 22 – Happy Earth Day!  CONGRATS “My Day: Charleston,” Local Green Winner. (WATCH Video here –> 5th video)

Daily, Daily, we are everywhere, learning, sharing, speaking up…(Should I ask – it’s almost too easy – ask and you shall receive): Pardon me, but it sounds like you two are making an interesting video that you’d like to share? “Yeh, we just now finished making a nice fun video to show how we live green and take care of Charleston everyday. Yeh, we want to show Charleston & the World! Yeh, we want to right NOW! Well, OK then, thank you very much!” - Maridith Shaffer and Annie Carenbauer, “My Day: Charleston,” Mar 23, 2011.

Page Added: Museums, Attractions, Outdoors…

17 Mar

Even though “page under construction – check back for more content,”  goto to the newest page added under Downtown!!

Museums, Attractions, Outdoors… <— much more detail and all the LINKS.

Except below:

EDUTAINMENT – Downtown Museums, Attractions, Parks, & Waterfronts:

–  Charleston Museum – the first museum in the US.

–  Gibbes Museum of Art

–  South Carolina Aquarium

–  Fort Sumter

– and the Spirit of SC Tall Ship

(goto page for much more detail and all the LINKS)

Walk – Bike, UPDATE

17 Mar

(Walk – Bike <– click for ongoing Info)

—   UPDATE:   Timely Info  —

- CONTACT me to Make an IMPACT, NOW! Comment below; sign others; Facebook; Twitter; & Tweet “t” —>

–  Walk – Bike (no cars) 12-6pm on KING Street “Second Sundays” every month! To make it permanent :) 

–  Walk – Bike Lane Over Ashley <–Details at  Click –> RESOLUTION Download, Print on your Letterhead. Sign, NOW, I’ll pick-up.

Downtown Bridges Across Ashley River. Copyright, do not use without written release.

– Apr 22, Happy Earth Day!! Get your MOJO working - Party with a Purpose - walk-bike to Nirvana –> Eco Fashion, Waterball, Movies with a Message…things to do…Do The Charleston!

-Friendly Do You Think It Is?<— Charleston Moves BLOG: “…Charleston City Councilman Mike Seekings wants everyone to come give YOUR viewpoint:  Is the city on the right track when it comes to managing ballooning bicycle traffic? And is Charleston good to pedestrians? Charleston City Hall.


– Mar 25-27,   2011  BikeBike Southeast – Holy City Bike Coop, Dan, and the gang turned me onto this, thanks.

– 2/14/11  – Crossing-the-ashley-river-by-bike-or-foot-how-to-get-involved

– 1/9/11  – Could Tourists-lead-the-way-in-demanding-bike-infrastructure-in-charleston


27th Annual KidsFair – Mar 22, 2015

11 Mar

– Mar 22 –  only $1. Burke High School, 10am – 4pm, 27th Annual KIDS FAIR!  It’s not just for Families (but anyone who wants to engage with the most Charleston Trendsetters all in one location…“Renaissance Women” like, Exec Dir extraordinaire, Carol Berlin; Jewish Federation Exec Dir, Judi Corsaro; Exec Dir Fields To Families, Nikki Seibert; etc, etc…).  Join Facebook Event: 10,000 – 12,000 kids/parents <– largest 1 day event in downtown Charleston <– Walk or Bike (or carpool, ok). 100 Non-Profits, Visionary Sponsors, and interactive “Edutaining” booths inside/outside…engage & empower & enrich…broaden horizons… Great food (extra but a lot of tasty healthy food <  $5, like frozen yogurt – yum!). If you would like to attend, sponsor, volunteer, Promote, KidsFair, (Donations for KidsFair are tax deductible and goto scholarships <– any kid that applies can get some help)



People that care, they make a difference

5 Mar

“Peanuts Philosophy,    Charles Schultz Philosophy…….”

FAST, Take this quiz:

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America contest.

4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer prize.

5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners or best actor and actress.

6. Name the last decade’s worth of World Series winners.

How did you do?  The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers.   They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here’s another quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List a few “teachers” who aided your journey.

2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.

5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.

6. Name half a dozen heroes whose stories have inspired you.

Easier?  The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care.

“Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today.   It’s already tomorrow in Australia.” —– Charles Schultz

Mar 3 – 6, 2011 Weekend

4 Mar

(EVENTS <– Also Click for year round events)

—––  Mar 3 – 6,  2011   Weekend  ——-


– UPDATE  – Mar 5, or Mar 10, 11, 12, 8pm   Play:   “OUT of STERNO” Details goto–> – Reviews – Theater”  A terrific fresh comedy with electric passion..”

–  BB&T Charleston Wine + Food Festival Creators and Patrons of  Haute Cuisine from Charleston and from around the World celebrate on every corner Downtown!!  Marion Square is the center of the cornucopia!  It’s mostly sold out in advance, so the Chefs are fitting of their celebrity status and worldwide accolades (I always point out,  Food is Art!)’s MISSION & contribution boosts this great venue and especially it’s sponsorship of non-profits like:

– <-– Deserving to be the attraction at the center Tent of the Wine + Food Festival’s at Marion Square, Jamee and Elizabeth are comprehensive treasures bringing international knowhow to promote, enrich, & sustain local economies and grow green jobs. They especially boost the benefits we all share through independent local food suppliers. My friends, Ben and Rebekah and I wrote our Grant on “Healthy Sustainable Lovely Edible Aquaponics,” and applied for  The Food Innovators Award ($3000 sponsored by Low Country Local First and BB&T Wine+ Food Festivals). Congrats to finalist Abundant Seafood Fisherman Mark Marhefka,  and Roti Rolls Chef Cory Burk.



–  Mar 6,  Sun, 6pm,  BSBI  –  Charleston Jewish Experience  –  Jewish Soul Music

Walk – Bike, BLOG

2 Mar

–  Mar 28,  Public Hearing,  3:30 Charleston: How Bike-Friendly Do You Think It Is? <— Charleston Moves BLOG:  “Charleston City Councilman Mike Seekings is seeking YOUR viewpoint: Is the city on the right track when it comes to managing ballooning bicycle traffic? And is Charleston good to pedestrians? His public hearing will take place in the City Council Chambers, Charleston City Hall at on the northeast corner of Meeting and Calhoun. “I just want to make sure that people come and give their views,” said Seekings. He said the hearing would last a maximum of two hours.”

– Mar 25-27,   2011 BikeBike Southeast – Holy City Bike Coop, Dan, and the gang turned me onto this, thanks.

Downtown Bridges Across Ashley River. Copyright, do not use without written release.

– 2/14/11  – Crossing-the-ashley-river-by-bike-or-foot-how-to-get-involved

– 1/9/11  – Could Tourists-lead-the-way-in-demanding-bike-infrastructure-in-charleston


Brad Van Liew Solo Sailboat Race Around World

25 Feb

2010 – 2011  Special Event!

May 2011 UPDATES <– Click Here – BRAD WON!  BRAD WON!

- Velux 5 Oceans Solo Sailboat Race Around the World. Click and WAIT for Brad’s  VIDEO to load, it’s awesome <– CONTACT me to sponsor.

- The Race Started Oct 2010, France to Cape Town, S.Africa. Then to Wellington, New Zealand <– just left Feb 2011…

–  UPDATE Mar 1,   Congrats to Charleston’s Brad Van Liew – he just finished and won Leg 3 and arrived in Brazil. He will be the 1st US Sailboat racer to Solo Around the World for the 3rd time – and hopefully win again. More astronauts have been in space then solo sailers around the world – it is that challenging. Click on Ocean Sprint tab to watch fun race. Also watch their videos.

–  Mar 27 – mid Apr – They’ll race from Brazil to Charleston.

~ May 18 The Final leg will race out of Charleston and arrive France mid June.

– In Charleston, Brad Van Liew was the Exec. Dir. of and the Spirit of SC Tall Ship – they empower > 6000 students to broaden horizons!