Tag Archives: “Renaissance Man”

Update: Arts to “Grow Green Jobs”

10 Mar

Update below  also added to Grow Green Jobs (Tab under Make and IMPACT, NOW!)

– Do The Charleston Arts –  It doesn’t get much greener. When you work to foster Hi Art, you help empower Pros, Teachers, and new Students to learn to enrich & sustain themselves, their collaborators, and the World through their passion and creativity <– Being a MUSE is contagious, and you want to catch it and spread it 🙂

Mar 10 – 13, 2011 Weekend Update

9 Mar

(EVENTS <– Also Click for ongoing-weekly,  monthly, and year-round events)

—––  Mar 10 – 13,  2011   Weekend  Update ——-

–  Mar 10, 11, 12, @ 8pm   Play:   “OUT of STERNO” Details goto-–> DoThecharleston.com – Reviews – Theater”  A terrific fresh comedy with electric passion..”

–  Mar 10 -13,   ReceiveR  Fest –  Engaging Time Based Media Film Festival. Click on DoTheCharleston.com REVIEW. Avant-garde like “Off, Off, Broadway,” but so Far-Off,  it’s Far-Out, it’s Charleston…it’s…THE OLD CITY JAIL. So, Do The Charleston 2-step, and step through a totally different time warp at The Rivers Museum. And…Do The Charleston 3-step, and step into our world of modern art outside the Halsey.


YouTube Preview Image

–  Mar 12 , @ 7pm Park Circle Films –  “Fear and Trembling” It’s in  N.Charleston.


—–   SPECIAL  EVENT!! KidsFair For Families  (but anyone who wants to engage with the most Charleston Trendsetters all in one location): Mar 13, $1 at The Gaillard, 10,000 – 12,000 <– largest 1 day kids event downtown <– Walk or Bike (or carpool, ok)…~100 Non-Profits,Visionary Sponsors…”Edutainment”…tasty healthy food <  $5, like frozen yogurt – yum! Do The Charleston: ENGAGE with 2 world class groups…

Reviews – Theater – “UPDATEs”

5 Mar

(3/10  “UPDATES” – some were also added to Charleston Arts and also BLOG Post–> Mar 10 – 13,  2011   Weekend)

–  Make an Impact NOW <– Also, you can help Do The Charleston and Hi Art Films promote, broaden horizons, engage, and sustain old and new enthusiasts for Live Theater, for Charleston, & the World.

Do The Charleston REVIEWS – Theater:

– TheatreCharleston.comEmily Wilhoit, Ex Dir, is also an actress and great at engaging kids. The League of Charleston Theatres alliance has a comprehensive website with great details as well as Links. You can join as an actor, play-write, etc, and also join as a Patron to support the Arts and get special deals,  ticket discounts, & insider perks.


–  Sprouts Theater – enticed to come to CreativeSpark.org in Mt.Pleasant  – another Renaissance Man, Stan Gill could be in Seattle, Toronto, NY, London, etc, but “WE” got him <– so the world needs to come to Charleston to see Sprouts. Stan writes his own original successful “Sprouts Brand” of screenplays, music, and lyrics; Produces, Directs, acts, sings, designs/builds the sets; AND teaches & fosters his Sprouts’ Company of  loyal professionals: actors, & theater crew. Not just for kids (his cultured humor targets adults, for sure), his live theater has energizing chase scenes and engaging interplay with the audienceeven AFTER the show!


Midtown/Sheri Grace Productions –  UPDATE  –  Play, “OUT of STERNO” <–TICKETS–>843-795-2223 Go see it 8pm Sat Mar 5, or Mar 10, 11, 12  (near Downtown over at Folly Rd).  DoTheCharleston.com  REVIEWs – Theater: … A terrific fresh comedy with electric passion …by local Director Robin Burke (who also shows-off his equally creative acting, unveiled in several roles). Every aspect is dripping with texture : from the well-cast acting; to costumes; to choreographed eye-play, stomps, romps, & rides around town. Even the props, set, and “set changes,” were fresh and fun – credit Ryan Ahlert. He Broadens Horizons, in that one can aspire to be a Renaissance Man like Ryan: he is a Business “Partner;” an Artist; a sophisticated space saving architect; and makes it all work as a blue collar carpenter on a budget. (<– Side track, to emphasize a recurring example on DoTheCharleston.com:  We all benefit living creatively. NOW, open your mind & your eyes, and it comes at you from every angle and out of the woodwork (pun intended). Downsize with pocket doors, folding walls, and spinning tables of changing art. It is so much fun to to live efficiently).