– Oct 24 – Nov 17, Thu Fri Sat 8pm, Sun Matinee “Fiddler On The Roof” Threshold Repertory Theatre – Tickets.

“Fiddler On The Roof” photo credit & copyright – Mystic Productions”
REVIEW: “Fiddler Play, Is A Toast To Life (for all ages): Congratulations, Mazel Tov(“To Life, L’chaim…like Solomon-the-wiseman…if I were a rich man…I’d CROSS a RABBI’S EYYYESSS”). Like the “Fiddler On The Roof”(pulling our heart strings, Darbie Keck); the three sisters(touching our hearts, Andrea Krider, Christina Leidel, & Sarah Callahan); the wife’s love after 25 years(a heart of gold, Pamela Galle); the Red Party’s pauper(a powerful heart, Brendan Kelly); the Russian Soloist(steals your heart, Dru Ryan); and the poor tailor(giving his heart, Robert Culbreth Jr) — we all “deserve some happiness”(some tears of joy); and some tickets(before it sells out). Come see what the multitalented star, Stan Gill(Tevya the tough father & unsung hero) most of all prays for(produces, directs, & acts for). TRADITION (finger pointing to the ONE above). Their peasants’ play “balances on a roof top without breaking their neck; in a little corner of the world”(a closed-minded Russian shtetl); dreaming of the holy land(dreaming of Jerusalem); in an off off far-off Broadway black-box beauty(Threshold Repertory Theatre); in a block near the oldest ongoing Synagogue in the US(since 1749, take a tour); in downtown Charleston(the Paris of the United States)…”Right? Of course right.” Ha ha ha. Don’t just laugh at this review; go laugh at the matchmaker(Kathy Summer); laugh at Lazar Wolf the butcher(Robin Burke); and laugh at Charleston’s surprise Halloween zombies (oops…surprissse). From the made-from scratch Russian costumes(Lana Pasko & GrayMorris); to the kick-up-their-heels hootch(wvodka); to the maestro’s(Inga Agrest) fiddler & live band; to the backbone of the villagers’ ensemble (including Stan’s protégé, Eden Teichman). This play is one-for-all and all-for-one. “Fiddler On The Roof” lovers will love this; new-comers will come to this; spread-out families will gather for this; world class jet-setters will settle down for this; and Condé Nast Traveler’s readers who picked Charleston #1 in US – they should read this review). Right? Of course right.

Pic from The Red Party. Copyright DoTheCharleston.com
– Oct 25, 7- 11pm  The 5th Annual RED PARTY benefiting The American College of the Building Arts! The Old City Jail will be…wait for it…GORGEOUS (unique ambiance, red people, the Great Gatsby, the College. the swing jazz bands & dancing (check their video) - OYE!  Online Tickets, $70, $90 at the door – tit’s worth it! Go viral on their Facebook.

– Nov 7-10 The 4th Annual Holy City Blues Dance XCHG Festival. Four days -and- nights of the coolest high art blues dancing that Charleston hasn’t seen since the golden age of jazz & blues. Nine Dances with Live Bands & DJs from around the US (and great local ones, too). This throwback to nostalgic blues brings great dancers from across the region, the east coast, some nationally, and of course our great Charleston dancers. The venues rotate each dance around historic downtown Charleston. Join the Facebook Events and invite your coolest friends!
– Nov 13, HAPPY NATIONAL PHILANTHROPY DAY! Come and lunch with the Association of Fundraising Professionals SC Lowcountry Chapter and schmooze with trendsetters! Trident Technical College, Complex for Economic Development, 7000 Rivers Ave. Tickets $45

– Nov 13  Wild Women Party – whoa – Annual Benefit for women’s critical services for abused children and their families at The Dee Norton Lowcountry Children’s Center (DNLCC). Hair styling by Article 5; makeup makeovers by Pink Dot; fashion by Hampden Clothing; and Wine & Food by Charleston Grill’s Michelle Weaver. At The Spa at Charleston Place. $100 tickets. REVIEW: “Fashionistas Benefit DNLCC:” The Spa at Charleston Place provided an elegant setting, libations, and scrumptious hors d’oeuvres for the Wild Women Blue Party fundraiser for The Dee Norton Lowcountry Children’s
Center (DNLCC). It was an event not to be missed! Beautiful, savvy, empathetic women, dressed in cobalt blue, toasted Veuve Cliqot Champagne (ooh la la), socialized, and donated their dollars for a well deserved non-profit, like DNLCC. A captivated audience learned the severity of child abuse, not only here in Charleston, but world wide. Elizabeth Cole, DNLCC’s Development Associate, perfected their message, “DNLCC provides assessment, treatment, and support services for children and their families where there is a concern of abuse. The Dee Norton Lowcountry Children’s Center’s mission is to keep children safe from abuse, and when abuse occurs, to work with our community to bring healing to these children and their families. It costs approximately $1,400 to provide services for one child at DNLCC.” The soirée continued on a lighthearted theme with a fashion show drawing the audiences attention to wonderful clothes, current hair trends, and secrets to applying make up. Again, special thanks to all the outstanding organizers for attracting all the fashionistas for the well needed Benefit for DNLCC. Everyone, don’t miss any upcoming events for DNLCC! <– Review by DoTheCharleston.com Guest Writers, Wendy Wilson & Erin McCarrick (Editor’s Note: We attracted Wendy and Erin from Rochester, NY, to come party with a purpose with us, and to write with us, so DoTheCharleston.com can attract more birds of a feather to flock together in Charleston, Rochester, and around the world. Success!)Â
– Nov 15, 7-11pm, Meminger Auditorium, 2013 Giving Back Awards: Charitable Organizations and individuals are celebrated for their above & beyond leadership & giving in 2013. Spotlighting their exciting achievements with awards – we get to see the gleam in their eyes & the sparks that ignited their inspiring stories and Tikkun Olam!. The audience always gets tears in their eyes – tears of joy – as they watch and vote/text to pick the Nonprofit of the Year. Live Music, Dancing, Open bar, Cru Catering. Presented by TD Bank, and produced by Charleston Magazine with the Coastal Community Foundation. Tickets $75ea or 2 for $130; VIP $95ea or 2 for $160.
REVIEW: “Philanthropy WEEK Was Pretty…”:
– Pretty smart, comprehensive, overwhelming, convenient, easy, and simple.
– Pretty friendly, happy, fun, jovial, positive, and inspiring.
– Pretty engaging, helpful, educational, healthy, sustainable, green, enriching, and empowering.
– Pretty galas, venues, hotels, swimming pools, and cars.
– Pretty classy, trendy, cobalt blue, and fashionable.
– Pretty smiles, teeth, tears of joy, wide eyed, and bushy tailed.
– Pretty bandwagon, band, singer, saxophonist, DoTheCharleston dancers, food, and bubbly French champaign – ooh la la.Â
– Pretty successful strategy, marketing, Charleston Magazine, videographers, social media, sweet press pass givers, Charleston writers, and Rochester/Africa/international guest writers.
– Pretty wingmen/women, schmoozers, networkers, SC-Israel-Seattle collaborators, hosts, menschs, and social entrepreneurs.Â
– Pretty friends, singles, matchmakers, dates, spouses, significant others, and partners.
– Pretty heroes, angels, wise men/women, visionaries, early adopters, leaders, philanthropists, donors, benefactors, government grants, banking & corporate sponsors, and more menschs, and award winners.
– Pretty unsung heroes, foundations, listeners, relationship builders, non-profits, Exec. Directors, teachers, team leaders, teams, grass roots, emerging under & above the radar creatives, even more menschs, & award winners.
– Pretty beneficiaries, courageous kids, courageous adults, courageous underprivileged, retirees, dogs, horses, and knights on white horses coming to the rescue.
– Pretty good momentum , windows of opportunities, growth, goals, progress, low hanging fruit, harvest, seeds, untapped potential, niches, good solutions, good green jobs, prospects, big snowballs building & rolling down hill, coattails to ride, and a pretty good time to join us.
– pretty hopeful, lofty dreams come true, slam dunks, and Hail Marys.
– If you’ve read this far, you’re pretty smart, motivated, innovative, clever, openminded, out of the box, and thirsty to collaborate on all of the above. Quick to share on your Facebook, and bring some friends to join us (from Charleston, Rochester, and you know, from around the world). You’re part of our week, in our fold, all for one, and one for all. You as a person are a real mensch. Congratulations, Bravo, Mazol Tov, and Tikkun Olam.
– Nov 15 – 16  barcamp5 “fUNconference.”  Get it? Avant Garde Creatives, Techies, Hams, and well, fUNofthose. Get it? Friday 6 – 8pm Welcome Party  301B King. Saturday 7am – 6pm at College of Charleston – Presentations, Q&A, performances, demos, arts, schmoozing, etc. It will be what it will be, whatever the attendees decide it to be, ad-hoc. Oh, and lots of open sharing of fUNsecrets…now you get it? Broaden your horizons and play ball – make some slam dunks & Hail Marys - in a fUNlinear fUNway. Ahh-hah, oh wow, now you get it! After Party 6-10pm at Mynt.
– Nov 16, 4 – 11pm, Jail Break. Avant-garde local world class artists that can’t be describe in words – a cornucopia of food and a feast for the eyes & ears – live music, dancers, painters, artisans, theater, comedy…Oh there’s more, and it’s cool, way cool, at the Old City Jail, home of ACBA (American College of the Building Arts). Presented by Entropy Arts, ACBA, and Ear For Music. Tickets $15-20.
– Nov 19, 2-6pm, Perfect Pitch at the American Theater . Five finalists will pitch their innovations to “experts businessmen” with the Presenting Sponsor SCRA. They pick the two best finalists, sponsor them with $2500 and extra free consulting. Angel Investors (will also be in audience). Finalists are maybe social entrepreneurs. Angel Investors are, well, angels. They are godsends sent to help (invest) in mere mortals on earth. Creatives are, well, creative. Creatives are mere mortals, but they live up in the clouds. Both are passionate & hopeful to find common ground. A creative wants to feed a deal to an angel. Angels are definitely hungry, but unsure if they’ll like the taste of the creative’s deal. Both are open minded because, well, they both want to pick each other’s brains. Both have high-risk & high-return excitement, and the courage to go where no man/women has gone before. To seek out new ventures… You can go along on their journey. All the creatives could hit it big now or later with angels. And anyone who falls on their face at least is intelligent and mature enough to learn from any mistakes.
– Nov 20 at 6pm, Distinguished Lecture Series by the Gibbs Museum with outstanding guest of honor Leonard Lauder of the Estée Lauder haute couture, you know Crème de la Mar (how about some swag!). Seriously, this will be the classiest lecture by a world leading benefactor of the arts!  Oh, he gave his incredible collection of Picasso and Braque paintings and more  to the Whitney Museum of American, beyond incredible. That’s where he has been the Chairman of the BOD, and a steadfast anchor. Well, its SOLD OUT, it’s at Memminger Auditorium. READ REVIEW!
– Nov 23, 8-midnite, The Alley’s 1st Anniversary Party “Studio300.” The wildest first hand history lesson in Disco Fever. Hmm, you came to Charleston because it’s living history, right? Come live the clubbing, posing, dancing, a premium open bar, and…well, bowling. Featuring flashy performances, DJ Nate NattyHeavy Lopes, and disco balls (and balls of fire maybe?). You’re strongly encouraged to dress in the stylish 70’s (expect more than a few Hams – their wish has finally come true – disco is coming back – oye, punch to the gut). Benefit for Be A Mentor (BAM) non-profit. Tweet @TheAlleyChas & #Studio300. Follow their Facebook. Address & Tickets at Links above.